Friday, May 20, 2022

Week of May 23rd-27th

Schedule of Events for the last week of school!

Monday & Tuesday- Normal instruction

**Students can purchase ice cream sundaes on Monday**
**Students can purchase Water Play during recess on Tuesday**

*Purchase with their good behavior tokens--it does not actually cost money* :)

Wednesday- Promotional Ceremony 8:50 in the Cafeteria.  All our welcome to attend!  We will conclude the ceremony with pictures outside in front of the school.

Thursday- Class Party

Friday- Clap Out at 10:30 am-- parents can view the clap out from the car rider area.  Students can be checked out right after the clap out.  Otherwise, dismissal begins at noon.

Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Art

Monday- Music
Wednesday- Art

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Week of May 16th-20th

2 weeks of school to go! 

We will have Early Release on Wednesday!



Math:  We are continuing to work on math lessons that will help to prepare students for middle school math.

Science:  We are working on health lessons for the remainder of the year.  This week we will look at healthy food and exercise choices.



Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E.


Monday- Music

Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Week of May 9th-13th


Our chicks should be hatching this week!  We look forward to watching the process.

FSA Science Test will take place on Thursday and Friday!

We hope to be able to have an End of Testing Movie on Friday to celebration the conclusion of state testing!


ELA: We will be working on our final social studies packet this week. It will be due by Friday. 

Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and 3 branches of government.

We will be working in literature circles for ELA. 

Math:  We will be working on 6th grade standards now that testing is over!  We will be working to prepare the kids for middle school.

Science: We will continue to review a few standards and then begin health lessons!



Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E.


Monday- Music

Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Week of May 2nd-6th


FSA Testing will take place this week!  Students will complete the ELA and Math FSA on Tuesday - Friday.  Please make sure your child gets a great night of sleep, has a filling breakfast and is ready to rock!  We know they are ready!

Science FSA will be the following week on Wednesday and Thursday!


ELA: On Monday we will do a language skills review. SS is due on Friday. 

We have completed our Ready text book. We will begin novel studies for the last part of the year as well as some narrative writing! We also have a social studies project. 

Math: We will review on Monday-Wednesday.  After the math FSA is complete we will work on preparing the kids for middle school math!

Science:  We will continue to review prior to the FSA test next week.  We will also continue to discuss embryology and look forward to having some baby chicks next week.



Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E.


Monday- Music

Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Week of April 25th-29th

Progress reports go home Tuesday!  Please be sure to sign and return.

Early release on Wednesday!  Dismissal begins at 1:15.

FSA testing begins next week!


May 3rd & 4th- ELA FSA

May 5th & 6th- Math FSA

May 11th & 12th- Science FSA


ELA:  We will continue working on FSA vocabulary words. Completing Knowledge is Power posters.  New standard is comparing texts of the same genre. We will take the lesson check for visualization as well as the new standard.

Students will take the end of the year STAR assessment on Freckle on Tuesday.

Work jobs: New SS ticket, ELA scrimmage practice

Math:  Students will take the end of year STAR assessment on Freckle on Monday!  We will use this data to continue to review and remediate prior to FSA testing next week.

Science: We will review a couple of labs this week.  FSA testing will be May, 11th and 12th!  Our baby chicks should be hatching on May 11th!



Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E.


Monday- Music

Wednesday- Art


Friday- P.E.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Week of April 18th-22nd

Students return to school on Tuesday!  We hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend.

Our eggs arrive this week to begin the incubation process!!  We look forward to hatching some chicks in May!


ELA: New FSA vocabulary will be introduced and students will make "knowledge is power" posters and play games with last week's words. Students will continue with work jobs and add a new standard review sheet. New standard: Analyzing how visual elements contribute to a text. Lesson checks for lesson 20 and 21. 

Math: We will review the following topics: place value, comparing decimals, and division.

Science:  We will review the following concepts this week: Adaptations, and the Practice of Science.  We will also discuss some embryology and life cycle changes of our eggs and chickens.



Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Art



Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Week of April 11th-15th

 There will be no school on Friday, April 15th in observance of Good Friday.  There is also no school on Monday, April 18th.  We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!


ELA: New FSA vocabulary will be introduced this week but there will be no test. Students will complete a post it poster to review words and we will play a game with these next week. New SS ticket and standards review worksheet due 4/22. new standard: Combining Multiple texts to integrate and understand information. 

Math:  We will review the following concepts this week: Adding and subtraction fractions, volume, and conversions.

Science:  We will review the following topics this week: Earths movement, Weather and Climate (with a lab), and Empirical Observations.


Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E./Media


Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music