Sunday, August 30, 2015

First week of 5th grade completed!!

We did it!  We successfully made it through the first week of 5th grade!  It was a busy week, but the kids hung in there and helped us accomplish a lot!  

More paperwork coming home on Monday, please be on the look out for the following forms that they need to signed and returned:

School Bus Rules --(every child must complete one for field trips)
Code of Conduct-- We went to an assembly on Friday about the code of conduct, it can also be viewed online)
Weekly Conduct Report-- This needs to be signed and returned by Wednesday.  Each week this will need to signed and returned.
Mrs. Ray's Academic Requirements--slip signed and returned.

Have you joined the PTA yet?!?!  Our team is looking for 100% participation!  Membership fee is $6-- aunts, uncles, and grandparents can join too and show their support for BSE!!

Here is what is taking place during the week of 8/31-9/4:

ELA with Mrs. Ray
We have accomplished so much already in our ELA class! We are studying Human Rights and reading grade level material related to this subject.
We have also  started our first week of "Work Jobs" to be completed by Friday.  Students will complete vocabulary tasks in the workbook journal and we will have a vocabulary test on Friday.  Our words this week are all with the pre-fix PRE! Students also have a social studies task to do as well as their first response to literature in their RRJ. (reader's response journal) Students should be able to complete these tasks during work time at school.  
DUE THURSDAY--Read At Home Log. Students should be reading at home daily and recording it on their RAH's to be signed by an adult.
Please make sure your child has an independent chapter book to read for their RAH.  I have plenty to choose from in our classroom library. Our classes will be going to the media center this week as well!

Vocabulary Words:

Math with Ms. Tiberio:
We are working on place value and understanding our base ten units from millions to thousandths.  We will also look at exponents to name place value units and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point!  

Students can expect to have homework every night this week for Math.

Science with Ms. Tiberio
We will discuss testable questions and look at how scientists investigate.  We will have a few hands on activities this week.  Be sure to ask your child about what they are working on in science this week!

Monday- P.E. 
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Media (Ray's Homeroom)
Thursday- Music & Media (Tiberio's Homeroom)

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, September 7th: No School: Labor Day!
Wednesday, September 9th: Early Release dismissal begins at 1:40.
Thursday, September 10th: Open House 6PM

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Students will be doing a lot of work on the computer this year, with the shift to computer based testing.  We are asking for your child to bring a pair of headphones to school, they can be kept in their backpack.  The Dollar Tree sells headphones for $1, and they work great with our laptops and desktop computers.  It also helps to reduce the spread of head lice!  Please consider getting your child a pair of headphones that can be used at school for Achieve 3000, i-Ready and the FSA (Florida Standards Assessment) which will take place in April.

Let us know if you have any questions! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First week of school!

We are well underway to have a very successful and busy 5th grade year!!  

Just a couple updates:

Science baseline testing is taking place this week on the computer.  
i-Ready Math testing is also taking place.

Due to testing, we have been delayed in beginning the curriculum.  Normally, students will have math homework Monday-Thursday evening.  However, because of testing homework will begin to go home sometime next week!  Please be on the look out.  

Once students have finished science and math baseline testing they will being to take the Achieve 3000 test on the computer.

Thank you to everyone who has turned in paperwork and materials on time!  We appreciate each of you and look forward to working with all of you this year!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Orientation Thank you!

Thank you to all the families that came out to orientation on Thursday!  It was a pleasure meeting everyone and we are really looking forward to this year!

On Monday, your child will receive an envelope with all the back to school paperwork.  Please, complete and return by Friday, August 28th.  It is very important that all of the forms get completed in a timely manner.  

What needs to be completed and returned:

-Student information card (white)
-Authorization for emergency care (blue)
-New and returning student registration (white packet)
-Student Health History Information (white packet)
-Healthy Schools 2015-2016 Seasonal FluMist Vaccine Consent Form

Also included in the packet:
-Information on how to log into Focus (our new grade portal)
-PTA volunteer request
-Information and Healthy Schools

Just a reminder, please consider joining our PTA.  Our team would like to have 100% participation this year!!  

Upcoming Date:
Open House for 5th grade: Thursday, September 10th at 6:00 PM