Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week of September 28th-October 2nd

Welcome to Fall!  Let's hope for some cooler weather! 

Progress reports were sent home on Monday, September 28th!  Please review and sign so we know you have seen it!

The book fair is taking place this week!  Our classes will visit the book fair on Monday to create our wish lists, students can bring money that day if they would like to shop.  Family Night at the book fair will be Thursday, October 1st from 5-7 pm

Be sure to bookmark our blog so students can log in through the blended learning tab!

Also, be sure to ask your child about graded ELA papers that have been returned.  If they are highlighted with a 69% or below they should be signed and returned to Mrs. Ray.  Please continue to check the grades online in our Focus program.  



Remember!!!! RAH's are due every Thursday!  I have many students who have not been returning them and this is impacting their final grade.

We do not have a new RRJ due this week so this is a good time to catch up on any RRJ's that have not been turned in previously.

Please consider purchasing the novel for our study.  Espiranza Rising.
It would be great for students to have their own copy to take notes in and annotate the text!


Math:  We are wrapping up Module 1, students will complete the Module 1 review on Monday.  Monday night they should study and be ready to take the Module 1 assessment on Tuesday. 

On Wednesday,  we will begin Module 2 which covers multi-digit whole number multiplication & division.  

I am noticing that math fact fluency is a huge problem, students need to be more fluent in their multiplication and division facts.  There is a FREE App called Door 24 that you can download on an iPad or tablet to help with math fact fluency.  Old school flashcards are always an option too!

**Math videos for the week will be posted nightly at the bottom of this post!**  Wednesday will be the first video post!

Science:  We will take a test on Wednesday on weathering and erosion.  Students have a review they can go over on Tuesday night to help them prepare.  On Thursday, we will have two lessons on renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Tuesday- Music/ Media (Ray)
Wednesday- Media (Tiberio)
Thursday- P.E.
Friday- Art

Thursday Night Math Video: Module 2 Lesson 3

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week of September 21st-25th

Progress reports will be sent home next Monday, Sept. 28th!  If your child has a D or F in any subject it serves as a scholarship warning.

Picture Day will also take place on Friday!  Our group is set to get pictures taken at 10:50!  Please discuss with your patrol if you would like for them to wear their patrol belt in the picture!!  :)

Early Release on Wednesday!  Dismissal will begin at 1:40.

Parents please continue to join our PTA!  Parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles can all join!
Classes reaching 100% receive an ice cream party!  Please join!

Ms. Tiberio's class would like to welcome a pre-intern, Ms. Micolucci, from the University of North Florida, she will join us every Friday until December!  We look forward to having her!



We are  making progress navigating through our new curriculum.  It has been challenging to the students but I see great effort and good results!

We will have our end of the unit curriculum assessment on Monday for Reading.  It is not anything that can be studied for beyond previous participation in class.  Students will be given a grade level text with multiple choice questions as well as an essay to respond to regarding the text.  We have been reading, writing,  and annotating text to answer questions in preparation as well as continuing our study of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights document.
We will  begin our novel study on Tuesday!  The novel is Esperanza Rising and I can't wait!
As I said, we have only a class set so if you would like to purchase your child a copy that would be beneficial! 

We will have an RRJ due on Friday again this week.  Remember this is a test grade and adheres to very specific requirements.  The requirements are posted inside the journals. Please make sure your child has their independent reading book at school every day. Thank you!

We have a vocabulary test as well with our "poly" words below!

Vocabulary Words:

Math: This week we will focus on multiplying and dividing decimals using area models, and our understanding of the place value system.  Please continue to review the videos that I send that might be helpful in explaining what we are working on.

i-Ready can be accessed anytime for additional support and practice!

Monday, September 28th: we will have our Module 1 assessment, this has FSA style questions to assess the 16 lessons we have covered so far!  We will review briefly before the assessment.

Science: We will discuss weathering and erosion this week--students will complete a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences between them. We will use several different resources to research these things: PowerPoint, Sciencesaurus textbook, PSELL textbook.  We will also do an exploration looking at different scientists tools, students will explore with these.

Monday- Music
Wednesday- Early Release
Thursday- P.E. (wear tennis shoes)
Friday- Art

Wednesday's Math Video:

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week of September 14th-18th

Thank you again to all the families who came out to Open House on Thursday.  We had a great turn out!  Please continue to join our PTA!  The PowerPoint has been e-mailed, please let us know if you have any questions.

Academics this week:  

Here are the vocabulary words for the week. Test on Friday.

Reader's Response Journal (RRJ) Due Friday.
Please make sure students have an independent reading book with them at all times.  I have a large library with many books for checkout! :)

We are currently studying the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" document in preparation for our novel study which will begin in a few weeks.  The novel is Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan.
We only have a class set of the novels which makes it difficult for students when they miss a day or when they would like to annotate the text. It would be very helpful for students to have individual copies of the book.  If you would like your child to have his or her own copy of the book, it can be purchased from Barnes and Noble for $6.99.
It is a very enjoyable book and goes along very well with our study of Human Rights!

Math: We will continue our work with decimals: rounding decimals, adding & subtracting decimals, etc...

Monday night homework for math is to complete 2 extra lessons on i-Ready.  I assigned some topic specific lessons that will help the students grasp the concept of place value, and decimal rounding.  Remember, if children are not able to get on at home they need to come in at 8:00 to complete these lessons.

Science: After wrapping up Chapter 1 last week, we will begin discussing minerals and rocks.  We will have several hands on investigations during this unit.  We will also use the computer program Gizmo's to explore further.

Monday- Music
Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Art

Upcoming Event:
Wednesday, Sept. 23rd- Early Release
Friday, Sept. 25th- Progress Reports sent home

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Week of 9/7-9/11

No school Monday, September 7th-- Labor Day!  Enjoy the long weekend!  This Wednesday will also be our first early release, dismissal will begin at 1:40!

We hope to see everyone at Open House on Thursday at 6PM.  

ELA with Mrs. Ray:
Another great week of learning in ELA! We have accomplished so much already.
Good Job on turning in the Read At Home Logs on Thursday.  Another log was given out and will be turned in again this coming Thursday. If students did not turn one in last week I will still accept it for full credit. 

This week I am not requiring another RRJ (Reader's Response Journal). We will take the time to make sure all students complete the first one correctly and have a "chat" with me to discuss the entrees.  The RRJ is a test grade so I want all students to understand the expectation.

We WILL have new vocabulary (pre-fix) words and a test on Friday even though it is a 4 day week.
Here are the words.

Vocabulary Words:

Our reading lessons this week have been related to Human Rights so it is also Social Studies.

We will be having a test on these words as well as the meaning of Human Rights as discussed in class. All information is found in our binders but the words that are important and will be tested are posted below.  The test for this material will be on Wednesday. Ask your students to tell you what it means to be "Brave"!

Math with Ms. Tiberio:
We will spend Tuesday reviewing concepts taught during the first 2 weeks of school: multiplying & dividing decimals by powers of 10.  

Wednesday- we will work on comparing decimal fractions using the greater than, less than, and equal to symbols

Thursday- we will work on rounding decimals using our understanding of place value

Homework Math:
Tuesday- i-Ready 30 minutes
Wednesday & Thursday- Lesson 6 & 7 worksheets

We will review Chapter 1 and test this week!  Students will bring home their workbooks to study!
Test on Friday!

Tuesday- P.E. (wear tennis shoes)
Wednesday- Early Release/ Art
Thursday- Art

Check out the fun we had with M & M's in science class!  We were testing different variables regarding M & M's.  

Some of the variables we tested:
1. Does the color of M & M's dissolve faster or slower depending on the liquid?

We discovered it dissolves the fastest in hot water!  The temperature was over 100 degrees!  Cold water was the slowest!

2. Does the color on M & M's dissolve faster in a different liquid, such as Sprite?  

Ask your students some of the other variables and questions we asked about M & M's during Science last week!