Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Readers Theatre: The First Annual Planet Awards!

Mrs. Ray's homeroom spent time rehearsing and performing a readers theatre skit about the 8 planets.  They were all great performers and audience members!  Please enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Week of October 26th-30th

Red Ribbon Week started on Friday, October 23rd--here is the schedule of activities taking place at BSE:

Monday- "Put a Cap on Drugs"-- Wear your favorite hat
Tuesday- "Turn Your Back on Drugs"--Wear your shirt backwards
Wednesday- "Sock it to Drugs"-- Wear your favorite crazy socks --
Thursday- "Red-dy-Set-Go, Just say NO"= Wear red to celebrate Red Ribbon Week and our pledge to be Drug Free!

Wednesday would also be a good time to bring in some socks to donate to the Sulzbacher Center!  Our gifted classes are collecting socks until the end of October!!  

Monday, October 26th is the official end of the 1st quarter!  Report cards will be sent home on Thursday, November 5th.

Also, there is no school on Friday, October 30th!


Vocabulary list for the week!

Vocabulary test on Thursday due to Planning Day on Friday!
RRJ will be due NEXT Thursday! November 5.
Final Assessment for Esperanza Rising will be on Tuesday.  It will be putting the final touches on an essay that we have been working on for two weeks.  This will be the final paragraph! We really enjoyed this novel and were sorry to see it end! :)

October/November Book of the Month!  Such a fun book!  We will be responding to this piece of literature in a paragraph describing the visual elements of the book!

Math: We will wrap up Module 2 by spending Monday & Tuesday working on long division when the product has a remainder.  Wednesday we will review all of Module 2, students will bring a review sheet home to study for the Module 2 assessment on Thursday!

Science:  Students brought home a Moon Journal to work on each day.  This will be due back Friday, November 20th.  However, it needs to come back and forth to school because I will check it for a weekly homework grade.  We will continue to discuss outer space, we will work on the laptops completing a Gizmo, Gizmo's can be accessed at home as well.  The Gizmo we are working on is titled "Solar System".  

Monday- P.E. (wear tennis shoes)
Tuesday- Art/ Tiberio: Media
Thursday- Music
Friday- No School

Monday Night Video:

Tuesday Night Video:

Friday, October 23, 2015

Cloud Finders

On Thursday, we used our cloud finders to identify the different types of clouds that were in our sky that day!  We saw 3 different types of clouds: cumulus, cirrus, stratus

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Outstanding Eagles of the Month

We would like to recognize our "Outstanding Eagles" for the month of September and October!

Ms. Tiberio's Homeroom:
Adrian (September): Respect

Sabrina (October): Cooperation

Mrs. Ray's Homeroom:
Lejla (September): Respect

Brady (October): Cooperation

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Week of October 19th-23th

Early Release on Wednesday, October 21st.

Middle School Information Night:  This event is scheduled for Thursday, January 7th at 6PM.  Please mark your calendars!  It is a very insightful event with a lot of guest speakers and past BSE students.  We will have speakers from the DCPS Choice Office, the Jacksonville Public Education Fund, Twin Lakes Middle, and several of the magnet schools. Parents if you are interested in helping to organize this event, please contact: Daylynne Eyster at daylynne@gmail.com  We appreciate all support!


A big thank you to Gabby and her Mom for sending in FLAN for us to try!  Flan was mentioned in our novel study as our main character's favorite treat! Almost everyone thought it was delicious!  Thank you again for bringing the novel to life through this tasty treat!

We will be working more on our Prefixes and Suffixes this week, so NO Vocabulary list!

We will also be completing our novel this week as well as a 3 paragraph response essay as a culminating assessment. This will  be completed in class with assistance in our small group!

NO RRJ this week due to three paragraph essay!

Math: On Monday, students will take the mid-module assessment for module 2.  The rest of the week we will look at dividing two & three digit dividends by multiples of 10 and making a connection to a written method.  We will also look at division problems that involve a remainder.  Videos will be posted at the bottom of this post!

Science:  We will move on to chapter 2 in our Interactive Science textbook which covers outer space, planets, etc... The students will be keeping a moon journal that they will need to record in each night for two weeks!

Monday- Art
Thursday- Music

Nightly Math Videos:
Monday Night: (we looked at both lesson 17 & 18), I posted the video for Module 2 Lesson 18

Wednesday Night: Module 2 Lesson 19:

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Thank you, Dudes!

Thank you to the following dudes for coming to read to our classes this week, and for helping us celebrate literacy!

Mr. King
Mr. Hunt
Mr. Lenahan
Mr. Bos

Here are a few pictures from our day!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Week of October 12th-16th

 This week we will celebrate literacy week, with several special events.  We look forward to having some dudes come to read to our class on Tuesday for Dudes Do Read!

Vision screening will take place this week, if any parents are interested in volunteering please contact Barbara York.
e-mail: barbarayork03@gmail.com

Thank you to all the families who joined PTA!  Mrs. Ray & Ms. Tiberio both received 100% participation and the kids will be rewarded with an ice cream party!!  The Ice Cream party is on Thursday! 

Other PTA News: 
Chick-Fil-A spirit night this Thursday, October 15th from 5-8 (Meet the principal night)
Movie on the Lawn night: November 6th
Boosterthon Fun Run will take place Friday, November 13th

Last week to turn in box tops! 

PICTURE ORDERS:  Students received their fall pictures on Monday!  Orders must be received by October 20th!  Please send them in if you would like to order.


Vocabualry:  We will not have a list of vocabulary for this week.  We will be working on using prefixes and suffixes to decipher word meaning in our Reading Binders. We will still have a test on Friday as usual but students will be able to use their charts in their Reading Binders to assist them.  

RRJ: We will have an RRJ due on Friday.
To celebrate literacy week we will be designating a portion of reading each day to Independent Reading so it is absolutely necessary for students to bring their independent reading books with them. These are the books that students use to complete RRJs. 

Writing: We will begin working on text based writing this week using text sets/articles. :)

Math: We will cover lessons 10-14 this week from Module 2 (videos will be posted below).  These topics will cover multiplying decimals by whole numbers with the area model using prior knowledge and understanding of place value and estimation.  We will also be looking at equivalent measurements.

**Students can bring their math materials home nightly to help them on homework.**

Science: We will continue our discussion weather, clouds, and the water cycle.  These topics are covered in chapters 3 & 4 in the students science workbooks.  We will spend 2 days reviewing and will test on Friday!  **Science Test Friday on Chapters 3 & 4**

Monday- Art
Wednesday- Music
Friday- P.E.

Monday's Math Lesson Video: Module 2 Lesson 10:

Tuesday's Math Lesson Video: Module 2 Lesson 11/12:

Wednesday's Math Video: Module 2 lesson 9: (This lesson was taught last week students will complete the homework as a review of multi-step word problems)

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Week of October 5th-9th

Early Release will take place this Wednesday, October 7th.

Wish List: Treat jar candy, this is the perfect time of year to buy individually wrapped candy with all of the Halloween candy out in stores!  If you are able, please consider purchasing a bag!  Thank you!

Please continue to send in box tops!



I have been VERY IMPRESSED with our writing this week!  Students are reading and responding to text dependent questions and are improving daily! Way to go! Ask your students about TOP QUALITY work!

We will have a new RRJ due this week as well as a social studies assignment from the text book.  Students can bring these home to finish if they do not finish in class.  Students can also bring home their "workbooks" to study vocabulary words!

We are continuing our novel study of Espiranza Rises.  Please consider purchasing your child a copy of the book from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.  It really does help them to have their own copy to annotate or catch up when they are absent!  It is a fabulous book and we are really enjoying it so far!

We have now moved into Module 2: we will look at lessons 5, 6, 7, & 9 this week.  We will look at solving multiplication problems by using an area model.  This concept was covered last year in 4th grade so hopefully it will be a review!  We will spend a few days on the area model before moving on to the standard algorithm.  We will be relating both of these skills to solving word problems.  I will post the lesson videos at the bottom of this blog post!

We are moving on to discuss weather by looking at the water cycle.  We will discuss various topics: clouds, climate, the ocean.  This will be discussed in Chapters 3 & 4 in our Interactive Science textbook.

Consider visiting the website below to explore and interact with the water cycle:


Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Music (early release)
Friday- P.E.

Monday's Math Video Share: Module 2 Lesson 5:

Tuesday's Math Video: Module 2 Lesson 6:

Thursday's Math Lesson: Module 2 Lesson 7:

Friday's Math Lesson: Module 2 Lesson 9:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Box Tops

Please submit any box tops you have around the house!  We must turn them in by October 12th!