Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week of February 1st-5th

Report cards & a current data sheet reflecting Achieve 3000 & i-Ready data will be sent home on Monday, be sure to sign and return both of these sheets. Also, the total number of books read will be listed on this sheet.  All totals are based on RAH logs turned in at the time we calculated them.  Any late RAHs will count toward the third quarter. There will be an ice cream celebration for all students who have read 12 or more books to date! :)

Bartram Springs National Elementary Honor Society is collecting items to make activity bags for Wolfson Children's Hospital.  Please consider sending in any of the following items to assist in this service project.  Crayons, coloring books, puzzle books, Sudoku, crafts, water color paints and paper, colored pencils, etc.  Let's help to make the day brighter for a child in the hospital!  

The BSE School Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, February 2 at 6:00 pm for  the annual Mid-Year Stakeholder Meeting. It will be held in the Media Center. Everyone is welcome!

Congratulations to Mackenzie for going to the district science fair last week!  She was selected as a finalist and was interviewed about her project.  She did a fantastic job!  We are so proud of her.

New Expectations for the second half of the year!
In order to prepare our students for the rigorous requirements of middle school, we will be instituting some new requirements for the second semester of the year. 
While late work will still be accepted there will be a penalty of 10 pts. for any assignment turned in past the due date. (Exception made if student is absent. Work must then be turned in promptly upon arrival back to school.)
All students must have their independent reading book every day without exception or it will result in an  unearned conduct for materials. 


ELA: We will not have a vocabulary test this week.  Instead we will be working with leveled vocabulary readers and students will complete an assignment due on Friday. 
With the FSA approaching we will begin to practice test type questions to prepare for the test!
We will have an end of the unit assessment on Friday based on our current topic of Natural Disasters.
We will also take a mini-assessment on the various standards we are working on in class.  These are based on articles.   There will be no RRJ this week.  We WILL have another writing prompt due on Friday.  We will practice a timed writing with this prompt as well. 
Bin of Happiness winners this week are Peyton S. and Sophie.  The secret phrase this week is
"We have the WRITE stuff to succeed!" 

Our writing is really coming along and I am confident our students will be prepared for the District FSA Writing Exam the week of Feb. 29th!

Math: I feel that the students have a pretty good understanding of multiplying fractions at this point so we will be moving on to division of fractions.  We will begin by comparing fractional pieces and then start dividing fractions by a whole number. We will spend several days working on this concept.
 We will do a couple lessons from our math textbooks this week, so homework may look a little different.
Monday: Topic 11-7
Tuesday: Module 4 Lesson 23
Wednesday: Module 4 Lesson 25
Thursday: Module 4 Lesson 26

We are also going to spend some time going through the FSA software, to become familiar with tools and resources on the website.  This website can also be accessed at home.  I recommend working on this website with your student.  There is also a practice test available.

Science: We will continue our study of plants and animals this week.  We will work through a Gizmo.  We will test on plants and animals on Friday, February 12th.

Tuesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.
Friday- Art

Monday: Module 4 Lesson 22:

Tuesday: Module 4 Lesson 23:

Wednesday: Module 4 Lesson 25:

Thursday: Module 4 Lesson 26:

Friday: Module 4 Lesson 27:

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ladies Love Literacy

Thank you to Mrs. St. John for dropping in to read Strega Nora in a very good Italian accent!  The kids thoroughly enjoyed the book and the visit! :)

Tree Hill: Energy Detective

Check out the following pictures from our visit with Tree Hill!  The kids enjoyed learning about the importance of conserving energy and how it is produced!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Class List for Valentine's Day

Making Valentines is optional but if you choose to participate you must include everyone from your homeroom!  We will pass them out on Friday, February 12th!

Tiberio's Homeroom:(21 students)

Ray's Homeroom: (22 students)
Connor B
Connor L

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week of January 25th-29th

This last week of January will be a busy week!

On Tuesday, join us for an informational night about the FSA.  This will take place at 6:00 in the cafeteria.  We will discuss the testing schedule, writing FSA, and show you how to use the FSA software so you can practice at home.  We hope to see you there!

Wednesday: Early Release on Wednesday, Ladies Love Literacy, and a visitor from Tree Hill to conduct an Energy Detective Program here at BSE.  This is a free event and will take place in our STEM lab!  Our classes will attend the program from 9-9:45 on Wednesday.

Thursday we will also have a Jump Rope For Heart Assembly that Coach Carney is putting together.

Best of luck to Sophie, who competes at the district level as our spelling bee representative from Bartram Springs!  We are so proud of her!

Report cards will be sent home on Monday, February 1
st!  Attached to the report card is your child's current i-Ready & Achieve 3000 data.  Please be sure to sign and return both of these forms!

New Expectations for the second half of the year!
In order to prepare our students for the rigorous requirements of middle school, we will be instituting some new requirements for the second semester of the year. 
While late work will still be accepted there will be a penalty of 10 pts. for any assignment turned in past the due date. (Exception made if student is absent. Work must then be turned in promptly upon arrival back to school.)
All students must have their independent reading book every day without exception or it will result in an  unearned conduct for materials. 

Vocabulary for the week will be homonyms:
whether/weather     which/witch     when/win     whole/hole     know/no     write/right

We will have an RRJ this week as well as a writing prompt.  All due on Friday along with the vocabulary test.

Bin of Happiness winners were Dana and Gaby.  This week's secret phrase is "Yay for Literacy Week"!

Monday- Lesson 15: Multiply non-unit fractions by non-unit fractions
Tuesday- Lesson 16: Solving word problems by using fraction-by-fraction multiplication
Wednesday- Lesson 19: Convert measures involving whole numbers, and solve multi-step word problems
Thursday- Lesson 20: Convert mixed unit measurements, and solve multi-step word problems.
Friday- Lesson 21: Explain the size of the product, and relate fraction and decimal equivalence to multiplying a fraction by 1.

Homework each night!

Videos will be posted below.

Science:  We are beginning our unit on Plants this week.  We will complete a Gizmo on Monday that discusses growing plants under different variables; light, water, seed, etc.. We will spend the rest of the week reading materials about plants from our science textbook.  On Friday, we will have another readers' theater about plants.

Friday- Art

Monday: Module 4 Lesson 15:

Tuesday: Module 4 Lesson 16:

Wednesday: Module 4 Lesson 19:

Thursday: Module 4 Lesson 20:

Friday: Module 4 Lesson 21:

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Eagle Cam

Here are the links to the Eagle Cameras we have been viewing in the classroom from Berry College:

The eggs should be hatching in February.

Camera 1

Camera 2

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Week of January 18th-22nd

We LOVE this group of kids!

No School Monday in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Friday will be a Teacher Planning Day-- which means we have reached the end of the 2nd quarter!  Report cards will be sent home on Monday, February 1st.

Congratulations to Jaden & Danny for being named our Outstanding Eagle of the Month, the month of January trait is Tolerance.


NO VOCABULARY THIS WEEK! Due to the short week we will not have a vocabulary lesson or test this week.  We will resume next week with more homonyms!  Since this is the end of the quarter we will be wrapping up all assignments from last week.  No new RRJ or writing packet.  We will have a leveled reader activity due on Thursday along with our Achieve 3000.

New expectations for the 3rd 9 weeks:   In order to prepare students for middle school and to ensure they understand the importance of deadlines, I will now be taking off points for late work.  I will continue to except late work but will be taking off 10 points for each late assignment.

Book totals for the 2nd nine weeks are being calculated.  Students should have read a total of 12-13 books so far.  There will be an Ice Cream Party for all students who have reached this goal so far.
Students took their winter Level Set test for Achieve 3000 last week.  I will be sending home a report for your review and signature displaying current lexile levels versus expected levels, as well as total books read.
The Bin of Happiness winners for the secret blog word this week were Brock and Alysa!  This week's secret blog word phrase is "Readers are Leaders"!

Congratulations to Ms. Tiberio's homeroom for winning the Top Dog Competition between homerooms this past 9 weeks.  They will enjoy Twizzle Ups as their reward!  Good luck on the next round to both classes!

Math:  We will continue working through Module 4.

 Lesson 13: Multiplying unit fractions by unit fractions
Example: Jan has 1/3 pan of crispy rice treats.  She sends 1/2 of the treats to school with her children.  What fraction of a pan of crispy rice treats does Jan send to school?

Lesson 14: Multiplying unit fractions by non-unit fractions
Example: 3/4 of Benjamin's garden is planted in vegetables.  Carrots are planted in 1/2 of this vegetable section of the garden.  How much of Benjamin's garden is planted in carrots?

**Blogger does not allow me to add fractions written with the numerator on top and the denominator on the bottom.**  Videos will be posted at the bottom of this post.

Tuesday: Module 4 Lesson 13
Wednesday: Module 4 Lesson 14
Thursday: No Homework

Science:  We will review Chapter 7 on Force and Motion, and will take a test on Thursday!   This test will be open book.  Students will be asked to bring their workbooks home on Wednesday to study.

Monday- No School
Tuesday- P.E.
Wednesday- Art
Friday- Planning Day

Module 4 Lesson 13:

Module 4 Lesson 14:

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Week of January 11th-15th

We will begin our week at the Marine Science Center.  Be on the look out for some pictures following this field trip! :)

Thank you to all the families who came out for Middle School Information Night last Thursday!  Mrs. Ray and I were very pleased with the number of families from our team that came out to learn about the middle school options.  The principal from Twin Lakes Middle, Tamara Tuschhoff, mentioned the Common Core Math Night that our families are invited to, that event will take place on Tuesday, January 12th from 6-7:15 in the Twin Lakes Media Center.

Congratulations to our students who were selected for the National Honor Society!  They will be inducted Thursday night at 6:00pm.


We will have a vocabulary test on Friday as usual! We will also have an RRJ due on Friday.  We have no social studies due this week.
Our writing packet on the effects of wild animals living near humans is due on Friday. Complete and color coded.

Our next Top Quality Party will be coming up soon!  We only need a few more participants so get those Top Quality charts filled up!

The Bin of Happiness Winners this week were Julian and Mariana.  The secret word this week is "BEACH".  Put it on a sticky note with your name and give it to Mrs. Ray. :)

Math: We will work through lessons 10-12 of module 4.  Friday we will have a Mid-Module Assessment for Module 4.

Tuesday- Lesson 10
Wednesday- Lesson 11
Thursday- Lesson 12

Tuesday: Lesson 10: Comparing expressions that involve parentheses.
Example: Write and evaluate an expression from word form: The product of 4 and 2, divided by 3.
(4 x 2) / 3

Wednesday & Thursday: Lesson 11 & 12: We will solve and create fraction word problems involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication
Sample Questions:
1. Kim and Courtney share a 16 ounce box of cereal.  By the end of the week, Kim has eaten 3/8 of the box, and Courtney has eaten 1/4 of the box of cereal.  What fraction of the box is left?

2.  A baseball team played 32 games and lost 8 games.  Katy was the catcher in 5/8 of the winning games and 1/4 of the losing games.  What fraction of the games did the team win?  and In how many games did Katy play catcher?

Friday: Module 4 Mid-Module Assessment!

---Videos at the bottom---

Science: We will continue working through force & motion.  We will also complete a gizmo this week on magnetism, students are welcome to work on these at home.  We will have a science test on Chapter 7 on Thursday, January 21st.

Last week we talked about Newton's 3 Laws of Motion:

Monday- P.E. (might not make it after field trip)
Tuesday- Art
Thursday- Music

Upcoming Important Dates:
Monday, January 18th- No School in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
Friday, January 22nd- No school- Teacher planning day
Thursday, January 28th- Report Cards sent home

Tuesday Video:

Wednesday Video:

Thursday Video: