Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week of February 27th-March 3rd

FSA Writing will take place on Tuesday, February 28th.  We will begin promptly at 9:00 am.  Please make sure students get a good night of sleep and eat a good nutritious breakfast!  They have been working really hard on their writing and are ready to show what they know.

Our Eagle of the Month ceremony will take place on Monday!  Congratulations to Kyler and Jordan!

ELA:  NO vocabulary this week due to the FSA Writing test Tuesday!
We have no new work jobs. :)

Math: We will finish up module 5 this week, by reviewing 2-D shapes, volume, and area.  Students will take the Module 5 test on Friday on the computer.

Monday: Homework: 15-5
Tuesday: One i-Ready Lesson
Wednesday: One i-Ready Lesson
Thursday: Study for test

Science: We will continue to discuss the similarities between human body parts and plant structures.  We will also discuss Florida plant and animal life specific to our state.

Monday- Art
Tuesday- Writing Test
Thursday- Music

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week of February 20th-24th

No school on Monday in observance of President's Day.

Early Release on Wednesday.

Jump Rope for Heart will take place on Friday!  Thank you to all the families who helped to support the American Heart Association.

We will be studying suffixes this week.  Test on Friday.

We will also  be doing lots of review for the upcoming FSA Writing test which will be on February 28th.
Weekly work jobs include: vocabulary ticket (due 2/24 with test), social studies ticket (due 3/3)and RRJ due 3/3.

PRACTICE WRITING PROMPT ON THURSDAY!  Please be in class!  This will be our last practice prompt before the test.  I am very happy with our writing and extremely proud of all the hard work!

No new phrase this week!  I will draw the Bin of Happiness winner on Friday. Check previous blog for the phrase! :)

Monday: No School
Tuesday: Module 5 Lesson 14 & 15: Solve word problems involving area of figures with fractional side lengths. Homework: one i-Ready Lesson
Wednesday: Module 5 Lesson 16: Draw trapezoids to clarify their attributes.
Homework: Practice 15-1 & 15-2
Thursday: Module 5 Lesson 17: Draw parallelograms to clarify their attributes.
Homework: Practice 15-3
Friday: Module 5 Lesson 18: Draw rectangles and rhombuses to clarify their attributes

Videos attached to the bottom for additional homework help!

We will wrap up our discussions on metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis.  We will also discuss different plant and animal adaptations and how they survive in their environment.

Interactive Website to learn more about adaptations:

Tuesday: Music
Wednesday- Early Release
Friday- P.E. (Jump Rope for Heart--wear tennis shoes)

Module 5 Lesson 14:

Module 5 Lesson 15:

Module 5 Lesson 16:

Module 5 Lesson 17:

Module 5 Lesson 18:

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Testing Schedule for 5th grade

The following dates 5th graders will be taking the Writing, ELA, Math, and Science tests.  They will test from about 9 am until 11 am each morning.  Please consider this when planning appointments.

Tuesday, February 28th-- Writing Test

Monday, April 17th-- ELA Session 1 (on the computer)
Tuesday, April 18th-- ELA Session 2 (on the computer)

Wednesday, April 26th-- Math Session 1 (on the computer)
Thursday, April 27th-- Math Session 2 (on the computer)

Tuesday, May 2nd-- Science Session 1 (paper/pencil)
Wednesday, May 3rd-- Science Session 2 (paper/pencil)

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Week of February 13th-17th

We will send progress reports home on Wednesday!  Please sign and return.

Also on Wednesday we will go to UNF, students will need to remember to bring a bagged lunch, wear tennis shoes, and dress for the weather!  We will be outside.

No school on Monday, February 20th.



We will be reviewing common prefixes again this week.  We will have a test on Friday!
We will continue with our travel brochures and our RRJs, both due Friday.
On Friday we will have a Reading test on comparing and contrasting multiple texts.  This will be the focus of our reading lessons this week in continuation from last week.
Don't forget: RAHS due Thursday as usual and two Achieve Lessons per week are required as well!
Kaitlyn is our Bin of Happiness winner this week and the new phrase is:
Image result for be my valentine clip art

The FSA Writing test will be March 1st.  We will be meeting in small groups to conference about our writing prompt from last week.  We will have a new prompt next week and this will be the last one before the big test!
Image result for pencil clip art
We have the WRITE STUFF!!!!

Monday: Lesson 10: Finding area of rectangles dealing with fractional parts
Homework: Lesson 10
Tuesday: Lesson 11: Finding area of rectangles with fractions
Homework: Lesson 11
Wednesday: Field Trip
Thursday: Lesson 12: Measure to find the area of rectangles with fractional side lengths
Homework: Lesson 12
Friday: Lesson 13: Multiply mixed number factors, and relate to the distributive property and area model.

Videos below to help with homework!  Students will have homework each night with the exception of Wednesday.

We will be discussing how plants can be classified, and what the life cycle of Florida plant and animal life looks like.  We will also discuss metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis.

Image result for metamorphosis  Image result for incomplete metamorphosis

A lady bug has complete metamorphosis (4 stages) and a grasshopper has incomplete metamorphosis (3 stages).

Resources:  Please be sure to return library books this week!
Monday- Music
Tuesday- P.E.
Wednesday- Field Trip/Media (Tiberio homeroom)
Thursday- Art/ Media (Ray)

Module 5 Lesson 10:

Module 5 Lesson 11:

Module 5 Lesson 12:

Module 5 Lesson 13:

Monday, February 6, 2017

Science Fair

Congratulations to Ridge for making it to the district science fair and for earning an honorable mention!  We are very proud of him!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week of February 6th-10th

We will have a Jump Rope for Heart Kick-off assembly on Monday!

Early Release on Wednesday!

Don't forget about the Sweetheart Dance on Friday!



New Vocabulary will be quad prefix words! We will continue to work with our inside outside vocabulary strategy.
New social studies ticket will be to create a travel brochure using our writing format. It will be due 2/17.
New RRJ with chats due 2/17.
As we move away from Sports in America, our reading lesson will center around the Revolutionary War.
We will also have a timed writing prompt this week.
Bin of Happiness winner is Nicolas!

New phrase for Bin if Happiness!
Image result for achievement quotes

New Achieve 3000 lexile levels were announced last week! Remember you can substitute two lessons on your RAH per week!  Good job on Achieving those goals!!!

Math:  We are continuing to work on Volume.  We will work on lesson 3, 4, 6, & 7 this week.  We will also spend time reviewing the Module 4 test we took last week.  Videos below to help with the lesson.
Monday: Compose and Decompose right rectangular prisms
Homework: Lesson 3
Tuesday: Use multiplication to calculate volume
Homework: Lesson 4
Wednesday: Find the total volume of solid figures
 Homework: Lesson 6
Thursday: Solve word problems involving volume of rectangular prisms
Homework: Lesson 7
Friday: Review Module 4 and Mid Module 5 Assessments

Science:  We will begin discussing the human body, organs, and different systems.  Near the end of the week we will relate these systems to the systems of plants and animals.

Monday- Assembly 9:45-10:15
Tuesday- P.E.
Wednesday- Early Release/Art
Thursday- Art

We will have our field trip to UNF next Wednesday!  Don't forget all students must bring a bagged lunch!

3rd quarter progress reports will go home on Wednesday the 15th.

Module 5 Lesson 3: 

Module 5 Lesson 4:

Module 5 Lesson 6:

Module 5 Lesson 7: