Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week of March 27th-31st

Welcome back!  We hope everyone got some rest and is ready to finish the last quarter of 5th grade strong!  We only have 9 weeks until these kids are officially middle school students! :)

ELA:  We will spend the next three weeks working with FSA academic vocabulary. Test on Friday with these words.

New RRJ will be due in two weeks on April 7.
Natural Disaster booklets will be due on Friday.  We will be reading Eight Days: A Story of Haiti and other literary accounts of natural disasters.
We will also be practicing FSA style passages, questions and a daily poetry analysis for our upcoming FSA test on April17th.
Short reading quiz on Friday!

Keep working in Achieve to meet that 100 point for the year goal in lexile improvement!  Many students have gone beyond this!  Way to go!

Math:  We will continue to work through Module 6 and discuss graphing, line plots, and coordinate grids.  We will also take an FSA practice test on the computer so students can become familiar with the software and how to use all of the different tools.

Monday: Lesson 10: Comparing patterns by using addition and multiplication
Tuesday: Lesson 11: Analyze number patterns created from mixed operations
Wednesday: Lesson 12: Create a rule to generate a number pattern, and plot the points
Thursday: Lesson 13: Construct parallel line segments on a grid/ FSA practice Test on computer
Friday: Lesson 14/ Daily Math Quiz/ Mid Module Assessment (if time permits)

We will review the spring assessment students took before spring break and begin reviewing areas of weakness.  We will also look at food webs.  Students will have a test on adaptations (Chapter 9) on Friday!!

Monday- Music
Thursday- P.E.
Friday- Art

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, April 5th: Early Release
Friday, April 14th: No School: Good Friday
FSA Testing will begin April 17th & 18th for FSA Reading
April 26th & 27th: FSA Math
May 2nd & 3rd: Science Assessment

May 31st: 5th Grade Promotional Ceremony 9:00 am

Friday, March 17, 2017

Week of March 20th-24th

We hope everyone has an enjoyable Spring Break!!  We will see you on Monday, March 27th!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week of March 13th-17th

Last week before SPRING BREAK!!!!!

There will be no school on Friday, March 17th-- it is a teacher planning day!  Which means the 16th is the last day of the 3rd quarter.  
Report cards will go home on Friday, March 31st.

We will have a Top Quality party on Thursday, March 16th.

The Spring Book Fair will also be going on this week!  Monday-Thursday with family night on Tuesday from 3-6 pm!  Our students also have media this week!  Please remember to return all library books.

There will be NO spring break packet.  However, we would love if students continued to work on i-Ready and Achieve over break!

New vocabulary words!  We are working on Greek and Latin Roots.
This week's root is GRAD, GRESS= step

We will continue to work on our previous work jobs with all work due on Thursday, no exceptions due to grades closing.
We will have our vocab. quiz on Thursday and a short reading skills quiz.
We will continue our study of Natural Disasters.
RAH logs will be counted up and stickers added to our 25 book challenge chart! 
Same secret phrase from last week!
Roses are Red.
Violets are Blue.
Poetry is fun.

I think so, do you?

Math: We will continue to work on the coordinate grid system!  Students have really enjoyed playing our version of battleship while discussing the coordinate grid.  Students will have homework nightly.

Science:  We will take our Spring Assessment (Monday & Tuesday) to see what students have learned this far in science and what we need to make sure we cover before students head on to middle school!  We will also complete a lab on adaptations specific to bird beaks!

Tuesday: P.E.
Wednesday: Art/ Media (Tiberio homeroom)
Thursday: Media (Ray homeroom)
Friday: No School (planning day)

School resumes on Monday, March 27th!  We hope everyone has a restful and enjoyable Spring Break!  

Sunday, March 5, 2017

March 6th-10th

Early Release on Wednesday, the only early release for the month of March!

Picture Day will take place on Friday!  We will also take our class picture on this day!


New Vocabulary!  Greek and Latin Root Time!  Test Friday!

We will continue our study of Natural Disasters.  Our non-fiction reader this week goes along with this topic and is due 3/16.  We have an RRJ due 3/16 as well.
We will have a mid-unit assessment on Wednesday.
This week we will be focusing on Poetry as part of a skills block!

The phrase of the week for the Bin of Happiness is:
Roses are Red.
Violets are Blue.
Poetry is fun.
I think so, do you?

We will review the module 5 assessment students completed last Friday.  We will begin our final module on Tuesday which will cover coordinate grids, line plots and fractional parts on a number line. Students should have completed 30 i-Ready lessons by March 16th in order to earn the 3rd quarter i-Ready incentive!  Ask your students how many lessons they have completed with an 80% or higher.
Monday- Lesson 28 (not in workbooks--copied)
Tuesday- Lesson 29 (not in workbooks--copied)
Wednesday-  Module 6 Lesson 1
Thursday- Module 6 Lesson 3

Science: We will continue to discuss adaptations, animal habitats, and ecosystems.
Image result for habitats for kids

Monday- P.E.
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music/Early Release
Thursday- Recess
Friday- Music/ Picture Day