Sunday, May 27, 2018

Week of May 28th-June 1st

Our last week together!  

Schedule for the week:

Monday- No School: Memorial Day

Tuesday- Students will view the health video.  Students can bring in board games

Wednesday- Our promotional ceremony will take place beginning at 8:45 in the cafeteria.  Following the ceremony parents are invited to join the kids at the airnasium for pictures, cookies and punch.  A big thank you to PTA for supplying the cookies and punch.

Thursday- Our class party will take place today.  We will watch a movie, enjoy some chicken and snacks!  Students can bring in board games.

Friday-  Dismissal will begin at noon.  Students should bring a lunch or a snack for today.  The clap out will begin around 11:30.  The best places for parents to stand at the world wall or the car rider line.  Students will begin at the red hallway.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Week of May 21st-25th

Our chicks should arrive this week!!!

We have field day on Tuesday, May 22nd.  Please join us on the track between 10:20-11:30, and then again from 2-2:40 for Tug of War.

On Monday, our students will be going to lunch during the 1st grade lunch block due to Field Day.  The time block is between 11:05-11:50.  Check with your child's homeroom teacher to see what time they will be attending if you plan on joining for lunch.

Career Fair will take place on Thursday.  Thank you to our parents who volunteered their time to share about their profession.

Reminder of our Promotional Ceremony on Wednesday, May 30th at 8:45.  We hope all plan on attending.

ELA:  We will be writing reflection essays this week! 1 essay from each homeroom will be chosen to read their reflection essay at the Promotional Ceremony.

We will construct Taco Trucks.

Science:  We will finish up our nutrition unit and take a test on Chapter 3.  Students will share their menu ideas.

All- Tuesday- Field Day 10:20-11:30 & 2-2:40
Patrols and ENN will have their end of the year field trip on Friday.

Ray- None
Tiberio- Thursday- Music
Groeteke - Thursday Art

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Week of May 14th-18th

There will be a 3 day BOGO Book Fair this week. This will take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

The last SAC meeting of the year will take place on Tuesday in the Media Center at 6PM.  We hope to see some of you there.

ELA: Achieve Testing on Monday!  Then we are officially finished with testing.  We will complete our travel brochures and begin presenting them to our classmates! Next week we will be writing reflection essays for the year. 


Science:  We will begin Chapter 3 in our health books which will cover nutrition, students will create menus this week focusing on a balanced diet.

Monday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Friday- Art

Monday- Music
Thursday- Art


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Week of May 7th-11th

i-Ready and Achieve testing will be taking place the next 2 weeks.  Ask your child for the testing days!

Our bowling field trip will take place on Friday.  Students will be provided with lunch.  Pizza and soda! :)

Good luck to our students performing in the Lion King this week!  We can't wait to see all their hard work.


ELA:  We will have our I-ready testing on Wednesday and Thursday.  We have begun our Travel Brochure project and will be working on these all week and into next week.  This will count as an ELA grade as well as a Social Studies Grade.  Be sure to follow your points' Rubric in order to achieve your desired grade!  We continue to have weekly RAHs due each Thursday.
See the source imageSee the source image

Math: We will take the iReady end of year assessment Monday and Tuesday.  We will continue to work in Module 6 on Wednesday and Thursday.

Science: We will be working through our health curriculum.  We will talk about personal hygiene and how to best take care of ourselves.

Monday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.
Friday- Art

Monday- Music
Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Art/ Media

Mon: Art
Tue: Media
Thu: Music