Monday, November 19, 2018

Alligator Farm

We had a great time at the Alligator Farm last week!!  Thank you to all of our chaperones!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Week of November 19th-30th

See the source image

This will be an extended post!  It will cover the two days before Thanksgiving and the week after Thanksgiving break.  We are thankful for all of our wonderful students and families! 💛💛💛

See the source imageMid-year testing will begin, the schedule for November is as follows:

Students will be i-Ready Reading testing on Monday (19th) & Tuesday (20th) prior to Thanksgiving.

Students will be Achieve testing on Tuesday, Nov. 27th.

Students will be i-Ready Math testing on Thursday (29th) & Friday (30th) following Thanksgiving break.

We look forward to seeing all the progress the kids have made so far this year!

Early Release on Wednesday, November 28th.

Ms. O will be leaving us on Thursday, November 29th!  We have enjoyed having her teach us the last several weeks.
Image result for goodbye clip art


ELA:  As stated above,
Monday and Tuesday will be the I-Ready Mid Year Diagnostic.
We will continue to work with text structure: compare & contrast / cause & effect. When we return from our wonderful Thanksgiving break we will resume our study of vocabulary.
Our first 5 words for this group are:
detect-discover, pedestrian-person traveling by foot, inquisitive-to be curious and ask many questions, absurd-completely unreasonable or untrue, numerous-many 
and the wow word is: pedometer-measures footsteps
We will have a test on these words and the next week's words on 12/7.
New work job: Social Studies Ticket/Life in the 1950's due 12/7.
We will also begin a writing prompt the week of 11/26 to be completed by 12/7.
Lots of important things to do and learn!
Image result for learning clip artImage result for learning clip art

Math:  Students will complete a Mid-Module Assessment for Module 3 on Tuesday 11/20.  This will cover adding and subtracting fractions--especially when found in word problems.  We will continue to add and subtract fractions when we return from Thanksgiving.

See the source imageScience:  We will continue to discuss our planets.  Students will learn the difference between rotation and revolution.  This is a hard concept for students to understand, so ask your child to share with you the difference to see if they are understanding.

Tuesday 11/20- Art
Wednesday 11/28- P.E. & Music

Monday- 11/19- Art
Tuesday-11/27- Music
Wednesday 11/28- P.E.
Friday 11/30- Art

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Week of November 12th-16th

See the source imageNo School on Monday!  Enjoy the extra day off and thank a veteran!

Science Fair Projects are due on Tuesday!  No Exceptions!

Early Release on Wednesday.

Friday we will head to the Alligator Farm for our field trip!  Parents please meet us at the Alligator Farm around 9:30-9:45, if you are planning on chaperoning.  Students will need to dress for the weather.  They should wear comfortable walking shoes--no sandals!  Students need to bring a bagged lunch--there will be no lunches for purchase.

Image result for alligator clipart

Science Night will take place on Friday night!  This event is sponsored by the SAC committee and the PTA.  Science Fair winners will be announced!  Other fun events are planned for the evening...including telescopes set up on the track!!  We hope everyone will plan to attend.  Food trucks will be available for dinner. YUM!


ELA: We will not have new vocabulary due to the short weeks this week and next week.  New words will resume the week of November 26.
This week we will continue to work on our previous work jobs: Esperanza RRJ with chat and Black Sunday Social Studies packet.  We will focus on text structure in reading with lessons 12-13 in our reading book. Finally, we will begin our mid year assessments.  We will test on I-ready November 19 and 20.  Our Achieve testing  will be on November 27th. Please plan to be present!

See the source imageMath: We will be subtracting fractions this week.  We will work on lessons 11 and 12.

Science:  We will be talking about our planets this week!  We will also be sharing our science fair projects this week. Don't forget about our Moon Journals!  Here is a website to view the moon phases for Jacksonville, FL:

Tuesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.
Friday- Music

Tuesday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Friday- P.E.

Math Videos for Lessons 11 & 12:

Module 3 Lesson 11:
Module 3 Lesson 12:

Friday, November 2, 2018

Week of November 5th-9th

Image result for flag clipartWe will have a short week this week with our annual flag raising ceremony on Thursday!

Image result for movie clip art Happy Veteran's Day!

PTA Movie Night will also take place on Thursday.

Don't forget: Science Fair projects are due on Tuesday, November 13th when we return from the long weekend!

Image result for no school clip artThere is no school on Friday, November 9th or on Monday, November 12th.


This week's vocabulary words are as follows:
illuminate-to light up
duplicate- being exactly the same
sole-to be alone of to be the only one
bland-something that is gentle and soothing, having little taste
conflict-a struggle or disagreement
Wow word:
Test on Thursday!  It will contain the words from last week as well as this week.  10 words, plus 2 wow words!

Social Studies Packet-Black Sunday Due 11/15
RRJ due 11/15with Chat. 

We will begin using a new reading book today  which will include language lessons. Test this Friday on reading Unfamiliar Words.

Math: We will continue to add and subtract fractions.

Science: We will begin discussing the Solar System.  We will work on the galaxy and discussing the parts that make up the galaxy.  Students will be required to keep a moon journal during the month of November.  It will begin on Monday, Nov. 5th.  
Moon Journal Website if you can't see the moon one night:
Image result for galaxy images

Monday- P.E.
Thursday- Art

Wednesday- Art

Videos for Math:
Module 3 Lesson 8:

Module 3 Lesson 9:

Module 3 Lesson 10:

Module 3 Lesson 11: