Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 2 of Virtual School

On Sunday, March 29th-- Mrs. Ray and I emailed out this weeks activities.  We also posted the template on Teams.

Passwords for various accounts:

Center ID: 32258BSES
Username: S number
Password: S number again

i-Ready & Achieve 3000:
Normal DCPS log in

Reflex Math:
Username: S Number
Password: Found on Teams or e-mail Mrs. Puckett for password (
Puckett Homeroom: TiberioM is the teacher username
Ray Homeroom: PuckettM is the teacher username

Florida Science Science Textbook:
Normal DCPS Log in

Science textbook, i-Ready, Achieve, and PENDA all need to be accessed through Blended Learning on the DCPS, or follow the link on the blog.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Duval Homeroom

Parents & Students--

  We are eager to get back to work on Monday, March 23rd.  Students will be logging in to view work through Microsoft Teams.  Mrs. Ray and I will have office hours daily to assist with work.  We will be monitoring work daily, and checking e-mails regularly.  Please communicate at any time if you have questions or concerns.  We know this is not the most ideal situation and we appreciate your flexibility during this time. 

We will take attendance daily, and we will be grading work in order to ensure your child has 4th quarter grades.

Students will need to have "recess" daily and should be sure to visit their Music, Art, and PE Teams to see what they can be doing for their resources.

Office Hours for chatting on Teams:

Monday- Friday: 9:30-11:00 & 1:00-2:00

Don't forget the school is offering free lunch and snack daily from 11:00-1:00 PM.  Buses will also be delivering lunches.

If you do not have internet access or a device for your child to use be sure to reach out to the school in order to request a learning packet.  Packets are only for students who DO NOT have a computer.  We will work to get every student a device by the end of this week to ensure all students can stay on track.

This first week of Duval Homeroom will be a lot of i-Ready and Achieve 3000, while Mrs. Ray and I as well as your child get more familiar with the Teams software.  We hope to be able to create some fun activities going forward.

E-mail addresses:
Mrs. Puckett:
Mrs. Ray:

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week of March 2nd-6th

One more week until Spring Break!!


ELA:  Work Job for the week will be: RRJ with chat due Friday.  New Writing Prompt will begin on Tuesday with a timed 60 minute block to be completed Wednesday with a 60 minute block. This is an Opinion Prompt.
We will continue our study of Figurative Language in poetry as well as short stories.
All work should be completed before Friday 3/6.

Math: We will test on Module 4 on Friday.  Students will come home with a review on Thursday.  We will begin Module 5 when we return from spring break.

Science:  We will continue with our discussion on the human body and then we will be able to compare plants and animals.

Monday- P.E
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.

Monday- Music
Thursday- Music
Friday- Art