Friday, August 27, 2021

Week of August 30th-Sept. 3rd

 There will be No School on Monday, Sept. 6th for Labor Day!  We hope everyone enjoys the extra day off!


ELA: READY READING NEWS: We will be wrapping up Summarizing and moving on to Inferences this week! Lesson Check #3 on 9/3.

SS Map packets are due 9/3.

New RRJ will be due on 9/10 with an RRJ chat w/classmates.

I am introducing a word study entitled Morphs this week. We will have 10 affixes per week for students to create flash cards for each morph containing definitions, sentences using the morph and a picture. These cards will be kept on a ring and the tests will be cumulative each week. It's a great study tool!

We will have a test on LIST #1 only on 9/3.

Math: We will work on rounding, adding and subtracting decimals this week.

Science: We will have our first science test of the year.  The test will cover the scientific method and scientist tools.  Students will bring home review material on Thursday prior to the test on Friday.



Monday- Art

Thursday- P.E.

Friday- Music


Tuesday- P.E.

Thursday- Art

Friday, August 20, 2021

Week of August 23rd-27th


We will have our first Early Release on Wednesday!  Dismissal will begin at 1:15.


ELA: New Standard this week! Summarizing Text! Builds on Main Idea!

    Shorter than the text!

     Use your own words!

Main Ideas only!

We will have  lesson check #2 quiz on Friday on "Summarizing".

RRJ (reader's response journal) is due Friday 8/27! We will have chats next week to discuss the RRJs and ensure students understand them..

SS Map Packet-I will introduce a map packet for students to complete. It will be classwork and due on 9/3.

New map vocabulary- Students will use these words and last week's words to complete the map packet in class.

Math: We will use place value understanding to read and write decimals to thousandths using base ten numerals.  We will also compare decimals using <, >, or =.

Science:  We will complete a few science labs this week to discuss the difference between a dependent and independent variable.  The importance of a control group.  



Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Media


Monday- Media

Wednesday- Music

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Week of August 16th-20th


We had a great first week of school and are off to a wonderful start!  Thank you to everyone for bringing in all the appropriate supplies.

Parents-- please remember all beginning of the year paperwork is due by this Friday, August 20th!  This paperwork is very important.

Thank you to all the families who are signed up for Fab Friday snacks.  If you still want to sign up, here is the link:

We also hope you have joined Class Dojo, as this is one of our best ways to communicate with you:


ELA: We are off and running in ELA! Using Key Details to find Main Idea is the first standard we will be working on this year.  We will have a lesson check/test on this skill on Friday 8/20. I will introduce RRJ's (reader's response journals) on Monday and our first one will be due on 8/27. This is classwork and is a response to the independent reading book each student is reading. For social studies we have begun a study of types of maps. I will introduce a Social Studies Ticket to be completed by 8/20. This is classwork and will be explained to the class on Monday. 

We will have a quiz on 8/20 on the map terms posted here. The Social Studies Ticket is classwork!

I sent home the first Read At Home Log which is due every Thursday! It looks like this! 😉

Math: We are continuing to work through Module 1 understanding decimal place value.  We will also discuss Powers of 10 or Exponents this week.  10 to the 3rd power equals 1,000.

Students have a daily math quiz EVERY FRIDAY!  They are allowed to bring their daily work folder home with them to study but it does need to return to class everyday.  The first 3 weeks of daily math we discuss the quizzes together or they will work with a partner.  Beginning week 4, students will be expected to complete the quizzes by themselves for a weekly quiz grade.  The material from each week we go over in class is what will be covered on the quiz.

Science:  We are continuing to learn about the scientific process and the different type of tools scientists use.  Students will complete the science baseline on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.  This is a tool used to see how much science knowledge they already have--this is not used for a grade.



Monday- P.E.

Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E.


Monday- Art

Thursday- P.E.

Friday- Art

Monday, August 9, 2021

First Week of School! Week of August 9th-13th


It was nice to meet so many of you at orientation on Friday!  We are going to have a fantastic year.

Don't forget--School starts on Tuesday!  Please be sure to bring in all supplies this week as we get started on our work right away!

All beginning of the year paperwork is due by Friday, August 20th.  

Be sure to join Class Dojo:


ELA: We will be setting up journals this week and establishing rituals and routines. We will begin our first Ready Reading lesson which will focus on Main Idea.

Students need a chapter book at all times and will be able to check out a book from my classroom library if they need one! I have MANY to choose from!

Math:  We will begin module 1 this week which focuses on place value.  

Science:  We will begin with discussing roles of a scientist!  We hope to complete a science lab or two this week.

Baseline testing will also begin this week, schedule still pending.


Puckett- Thurs.-Music

Ray- Friday-Music

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Orientation--Friday, August 6th


We look forward to meeting everyone at Orientation on Friday, August 6th from 8:30-9:15.  

There will be no formal presentation.  We will have our formal presentation at Open House on Thursday, Sept. 16th at 6:00 PM.

Feel free to bring your supplies!

School starts Tuesday, August 10th.  We look forward to a great year!

Be sure to join Class Dojo so you get all the updates! 

Here is the link to join:


Mrs. Puckett & Mrs. Ray