Thursday, September 30, 2021

October 4th-8th

Friday is the end of the 1st nine weeks!  Planning Day is next Monday, October 11th!

Students will complete PMA testing for Science and Math this week.  PMA stands for Progress Monitoring Assessment.  These tests will cover material covered in the first quarter and will be an assessment grade.  ELA will take place next week on Tuesday 10/12.


ELA: New Standard is Comparing and Contrasting Settings and Events. Lesson check #6 will be on Friday.

RRJs with a chat are due on Friday 10/7.

New SS task: Students will create a map of the 13 original colonies. Due 10/15.

Independent practice pages 100-105.

Morphs moved!

Math: PMA Test on Friday!  We will be using fractions and decimals to convert units of measurement.

Science: PMA Test on Tuesday! Please review the study guide to help assist with studying.  We will work on electrical transformations this week.  We will discuss the difference between a conductor and insulator.



Tuesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music

Friday- Art



Wednesday- Music

Friday- Art

Friday, September 24, 2021

September 27th-October 1st

Early Release on Wednesday!  Dismissal begins at 1:15.


ELA: This week will be a Language Extravaganza! We will be working on various Language skills located in our Ready book.

Independent Practice:74-78 is due on Friday 10/1.

We have some assigned Freckle lessons to complete this week.

No new morphs this week. Physical Maps are due Friday 10/1-new:CLASSROOM MAPS.  

New RRJ with CHAT is due 10/7.

We will continue to work on Writing Skills this week and our Pirate Writing Poem!

New Ready Skill: Comparing and Contrasting Characters in a Drama.  Lesson Check on Friday 10/1!

Math: We will be working on multiplying decimals by whole numbers.  Our first progress monitoring assessment will be coming up next week.

Science: We will move into Forms of Energy this week.  Students will need to know the difference between potential and kinetic energy. Potential is stored energy and kinetic is energy of motion.  We will complete a few explorations this week to show the difference between light, heat, and sound energy.

Resources: (new schedule starts this week--we now have 2 full time--Art, Music and PE teachers)


Tuesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music

Friday- Art



Wednesday- Music

Friday- Art

Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 20th-24th

Thank you for joining us for Open House!  We are looking forward to a great year!

Scholastic Book Orders due 10/20! Be sure to check out the flyers that went home!


ELA: New Morph list this week! #3 test will be on Friday. All Morph tests are cumulative.

New RRJ will be due 10/7 with a CHAT!

New SS map project will be due 10/1- Physical Map of North America.

New Standard: Explaining relationships in Historical Texts with Lesson Check on Friday!

Writing will begin this week! Pirates Poem will be introduced for memorization and Pirate's gold!

Math:  We will move into Module 2 and begin by discussing the order of operations.  We will follow this method:

Always working Left to Right:

1. Perform any operations inside the parentheses.

2. Multiply & Divide, in order

3.  Add & Subtract, in order

Science: We will discuss how matter can change.  We will complete a lab this week dealing with chemical change.

Resources: (new schedule starts this week--we now have 2 full time--Art, Music and PE teachers)


Wednesday- Art

Friday- Media


Tuesday- Media

Thursday- P.E.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Week of September 13th-17th

Progress reports will be sent home on Monday.  Please sign and return.

Open House will take place on Thursday at 6PM.  This will be virtual through your child's TEAMS page. We hope to "see" you all there!  We will record the session and e-mail out the PowerPoint the following day for you to view.  Here is the link to OneView to access your child's TEAMS page: 

Click on my Apps and you will see Microsoft Teams.  

The team is titled: Mrs. Puckett & Mrs. Ray Open House and Conferences

Picture day will be on Friday!


ELA: We will begin a new standard this week: Explaining the relationships in Scientific and Technical Texts. Lesson check #4 will be Friday 9/17.

Same morph list #2 this week with a test on Friday 9/17. This is cumulative with lists 1 and 2.

Socials Studies worksheet due Friday 9/17 as well as RRJ #2 with a chat.

New work job: Independent Practice/Inference- p.46-51 due Friday 9/17.

We will begin working on Informative Writing!

Students will have the opportunity to memorize the following Pirate Writing Poem for Pirate's Gold!

Math:  We will review for our Module 1 test which students will take on Wednesday.  Students will have a review sheet going home on Tuesday to review and prepare.

Science:  We will continue our discussion on properties of matter and mixtures and solutions.  Students will take a test on Friday.




Thursday- Music



Thursday- Art

Friday- Music

Friday, September 3, 2021

Week of Sept. 6th- 10th

 No school on Monday!  We hope everyone enjoys the extra day off.


ELA: After a week of resource testing, we got a bit behind! We will continue working on Inferences this week! With our Lesson check on Friday 9/10.

We will start our list #2 of morphs, but the test will be on 9/17, so a little more time to work on them!

The test is cumulative!

RRJs with chats are due on 9/10. Map worksheet is due on 9/17.

Math:  We will begin our introduction into multiplying and dividing with decimals.

Science:  We will start our new unit on Properties of Matter.  



Friday- Art


Tuesday- Music