Friday, October 29, 2021

Week of November 1st-5th

Important Dates for November:

November 8th- Science Fair projects due for those who participated

November 11th & 12th- No School (Veteran's Day)

November 16th- Science Fair winners announced on ENN

November 17th- Early Release

November 24th-26th- No School- Thanksgiving Break

November 30th & Dec. 1st- Progress Monitoring Assessment for Math (Quarter 2)


ELA: We are taking a break from Morphs to finish our writing prompt this week. We will be finishing up theme in poetry this week with the independent practice due Friday.

New Social Studies will be due on 11/10. RRJ is due on 11/5 with a chat! New standard is Summarizing Literary Texts. We will have a lesson check on Friday. Flow map project with one of our books of the day.
For Writing we will continue working on our Brazil Essay/Informative writing.

Math:  We will be working in Module 3 which is the adding and subtraction of fractions.

Science:  We will begin our unit on the galaxy and solar system.  We will be charting the phases of the moon during this unit.



Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Friday- Music


Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Week of October 25th-29th

10/25 Monday: RED-y to Be Drug Free Everyone wear red to kick off Red Ribbon Week 

10/26 Tuesday: Too BRIGHT for Drugs Wear neon colors and/or sunglasses 

10/27 Wednesday: Sock It to Drugs Wear your craziest pair or mismatch socks 

10/28 Thursday: Turn Your Back On Drugs Come to school with your shirt backwards 

10/29 Friday: Book Character Day Come dressed as your favorite book character

Early Release will take place this Wednesday. Dismissal begins at 1:15. 

Picture Retakes will also take place on Wednesday.


ELA: Morphs List #5  Test on Friday.

Ready skill (standard) Finding theme in Poetry. Independent Practice this week pages p128-133.

Lesson check #8.

Social Studies worksheet-primary and secondary sources due Friday.

New RRJ due on Nov.5.

MathStudents will complete the Module 2 test on Wednesday.  We will review on Tuesday and students should have a review packet to bring home.  We will then move onto Module 3 which discusses adding and subtracting fractions.

Science:  We will continue our discussions on force and motion.  We will take a short quiz on Thursday.  Be sure to continue to review those yellow science vocabulary word packets to study.  We will finish the month of October by completing a lab called Candy Corn catapult.  Thank you to the families who helped to donate supplies for the lab.



Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Friday- Music


Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music

Sunday, October 17, 2021

October 18th-22nd

 Flu Shots will be on Tuesday for anyone who signed up!

Boosterthon Dance-a-Thon will take place on Friday! Thank you to all the families who have contributed to help raise funds for our school!


ELA: Morph list #4 will continue this week with the test on Friday!

Social Studies task due on 10/29-Primary and Secondary Sources

New standard this week: finding the theme of a story or a drama!

Independent practice p114-118 due Friday!

Lesson check #7 on Friday!

Writing On Wednesday- We will be working on finding topics to write about as well as introduction paragraphs. Brazil Essay.

Math: We will continue through module 2 by looking at decimal division.

Science: We will move onto Force and Motion for the next 2 weeks.  Continue to study the yellow science vocabulary packets.  This will be beneficial for all tests and quizzes.



Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Friday- Music/Media (return any library books)


Monday- Art

Tuesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music

Friday, October 8, 2021

Week of October 11th-15th


No School on Monday-- this is a planning day for teachers.  Report cards will be sent home soon!

If you signed your child up for a flu shot here at school, those will take place on Oct. 19th.


ELA: Tuesday will be our ELA PMA! Let's show what we know! 💓

New task sheets will include SS ticket due Friday-13 colonies maps.

New Morphs this week! List #4. Test will be next Friday due to the short week and the PMA! 10/22.

We will continue working on our literature standard of comparing and contrasting with the focus on  settings and events in a story. We will have the lesson #6 check on Friday, 10/15.

This week in writing (WOW) we will be working on introduction paragraphs!

We will also be working on Daily Plans. We have been using task sheets to make plans and prioritize for the week. The Daily Plan will focus specifically on a daily goal for completing work. This will hopefully assist those students who have struggled with getting work jobs in on time.

Math: We will work on division this week using the area model and arrays.  We will then relate this to the standard algorithm for division.

Science:  We will continue with electrical transformations this week.  We will complete 2 labs this week--one focusing on insulators and conductors.  We will wrap this unit up on Friday.



Wednesday- P.E.

Friday- Music


Tuesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music