Friday, November 26, 2021

Week of Nov. 29th-Dec.3rd

We hope everything had a great Thanksgiving.  🦃

Our Progress Monitoring assessments will begin this week and finish before winter break.   The assessments will cover quarter 1 and 2 material.

The schedule is as follows:

November 30th & Dec. 1st- Math session 1 & 2

December 8th & 9th- ELA Session 1 & 2

December 10th & 13th- Science Session 1 & 2

Our field trip to the Marine Science Center will take place on Monday, Dec. 6th for Mrs. Ray's class and Tuesday, Dec. 7th for Mrs. Puckett's class.  Students must bring a bagged lunch.


ELA: New morph list #7 with a test on next Friday. Updated-we have not had enough time to create our morph cards this week!

New skill: identifying unknown words. Students will complete Ready pages 188-194 and lesson checks 9-10. Lesson check 11 on next Friday.

"Inside-Outside-Upside-Down...Look for meaning all around!"

Complete healthy eating prompt and begin Opinion Prompt: Zoos.

SS ticket is due Friday-flow maps with important events.

Math: We will review for PMA 2 and complete the assessment this week.  We will then begin module 4 which will cover the topic of multiplying and dividing fractions.

Science:  We will start a new unit on Rocks and Minerals this week.  We will also discuss weathering and erosion.  Students need to understand that weathering is the breaking of the rock or mineral and that erosion is the movement of the material to a new location. 



Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Friday- Music


Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music

Friday- Media

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Week of November 15th-19th & Nov. 22nd & 23rd

 Progress Reports will be sent home on Tuesday.  Please be sure to sign and return.


ELA: New Morphs this week! List #6-test on Friday

This week's standard focuses on Inferences in literary texts. We have worked with inferences before and will have the lesson check on Friday.  New Social Studies Ticket will be a flow map of events due on 11/23. New informative writing prompt about healthy eating. These prompts are due 11/23 and will be for a grade. We will complete the Interim test Monday, 11/22.

Math: We will finish Module 3 before Thanksgiving break.  Students will take the test on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd.  If your child plans to be absent, please let me know so we can make different arrangements.  I would like to have all module 3 tests completed prior to the holiday.  Module 3 covers adding and subtracting fractions only!

Science:  We will finish up out unit on the solar system and outer space before Thanksgiving as well.  This week we will discuss the Sun, Earth, and Moons movement.  Students need to understand the difference between revolution and rotation.



Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E./Media

Tuesday 11/23- Music


Monday- Music

Wednesday- Art

Friday- P.E.

Monday 11/22- Music

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Week of November 8th-12th

This week is a short week.  Students will be off on Thursday and Friday.  We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend.

All Science Fair projects are due on Monday!  Judging will take place this week and winners will be announced on ENN after the long weekend.


ELA: Since this is a short week we will finish up all tasks from last week. These include: SS tickets, RRJs, Summarizing Flow Maps and Ready pages. We will take our Lesson check for summarizing this week as well. :)

We have started a new writing prompt that we will be working on as well. It is informational writing about Tigers! The writing is looking really good so far!

Math: Module 3 Math Test will be Tuesday, November 23rd if your child plans to be absent due to travel.  Please make arrangements with me to take the test prior to Thanksgiving break.  The module 3 test covers adding and subtracting fractions.  We will continue to work on this skill this week.

Science:  We will continue with our discussion on the Solar System.  This week we will focus on the inner and outer planets.  Have your child explain the different characteristics between inner and outer planets.


Puckett & Ray:

Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.