Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Week of January 3rd-7th


Welcome back and Happy New Year!!  We hope everyone had a great break.  Just a reminder, there is no school on Monday, January 3rd for a teacher planning day.

Upcoming days off for January:

Monday, January 3rd- Planning day

Friday, January 14th- Weather day

Monday, January 17th- No School


ELA: We will be working on a new opinion prompt this week! We will be starting to time our prompts to prepare for the two hour time frame that is allowed on the FSA writing test. New morphs list will be given this week with a test on 1/13 of next week. List # 8. We will be celebrating new Lexile levels in Achieve this week! New SS ticket: Native American Task Cards- due on 1/13. New RRJ will be due on 1/21.

Math:  We will continue in module 4 by working on multiplication of fractions.  Students have been introduced to this concept during daily math work.

Science: We will begin the new year discussing the water cycle!  Students need to know the following vocabulary words: Precipitation, Evaporation, Condensation.  Please review these words with your child.



Tuesday- Art

Thursday- P.E.


Tuesday- Art


Friday- Music

Friday, December 10, 2021

Week of Dec. 13th-17th

 We will have our final day of PMA testing on Monday--finishing up the Science test!

Early Release on Wednesday.  Dismissal begins at 1:15.

Thank you to all the families who signed up to bring in items for our holiday snack party!  Please send all items in by Thursday so we know if we need any additional items.

School resumes on Tuesday, January 4th.  We hope everyone has a great holiday break!  We will see you back in 2022!!


ELA: No new morphs!  New standard is text structure. Lesson check 11 will be on 12/15. The quarter ends on 12/17. All work will need to be in by 12/17/21 in order to be counted for the 2nd quarter. SS ticket is due 12/15-Ancient Civilizations in the yellow SS book.

Math:  We will continuing working through Module 4, working on multiplying fractions.

Science:  After the PMA on Monday, we will wrap up our units on weathering, erosion, rocks, minerals, and resources!  We have a couple labs and activities planned to help review these concepts.  



Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Friday-Media and Music


Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Friday- Music

Friday, December 3, 2021

Week of December 6th-10th

 We will continue with PMA 2 testing this week.  

ELA on Wednesday and Thursday

Science on Friday--we will finish the following Monday.

Field Trip News:

Mrs. Ray's class will attend on Monday!  Students MUST bring a lunch!!

Mrs. Puckett's class will attend on Tuesday!  Students MUST bring a lunch!!

Check the weather and please dress accordingly, we will travel to the beach at the end of the field trip!  It can be very windy at the beach.


ELA: We will take our ELA PMA this week! For this reason, we will continue our study of unfamiliar words with our lesson check on Friday. Morph #7 this week. postponed from last week.

We will continue working on our Opinion Writing Prompt- whether or not zoos should be closed.

Writing is going really well and I am super impressed!

New SS ticket is due on 12/15. Ancient civilizations part 2.

Math:  We will be looking at division of fractions.  Students will understand how to interpret fractions as division.

Science: We will have our field trip this week.  We will finish up our discussion weathering and erosion.  We will also discuss some of Florida's resources: Renewable and Non Renewable.  Students will begin the PMA session 1 on Friday, a review sheet will go home.



Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Friday- Music


Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music