Sunday, January 30, 2022

January 31st-February 4th

Check out the link to register for the Kids Heart Challenge from Coach Carney and Coach Lopez:


ELA: Morph list #10 with a test on Friday! This is our last Morph list so we will be moving on with different vocabulary. 

RRJ is due 2/4. New Social Studies Ticket will be due in 3 weeks on  2/18 with a group project due that day as well. We will be presenting the following week!

New standard is figurative language. Various activities this week with a lesson check on Friday.

New Informative Prompt! Drones-how they are used and how their usage may increase in the future!

Math: We will finish up Module 4 this week.  Students should be prepared for a test on Friday!  There will be no daily math quiz this week due to the test.  Module 4 covered adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions.

Science:  We will continue our unit on plants and begin our studies on the human body.  Students need to know the function and purpose of our organs.



Monday- P.E.

Wednesday- Music

Thursday- Art


Monday- P.E.

Tuesday- Music

Thursday- Art

Friday, January 21, 2022

Week of January 24th-28th

 Early Release on Wednesday!  Dismissal begins at 1:15.


ELA: We will continue working on Analyzing multiple accounts of the same event or topic with a lesson check on Friday.

New Morphs #9 with a test on Friday.

Social Studies ticket due Friday-exploration and technology.

Text Structure activity due Friday, 1/28.

New RRJ will be due on 2/4 with chats.

Writing prompts will be color coded. We will complete reflections and revisions.

Math:  We will work on division of fractions.  We are coming to the end of module 4.  Students can expect to have a Module 4 Test on Friday, Feb. 4th.  We will spend time reviewing prior to the test.

Science:  We have finished up our unit on the water cycle, weather and climate.  We will begin a unit on Plants.  This should be a review from 3rd grade.



Monday- P.E.

Wednesday- Music

Thursday- Art


Monday- P.E./Media

Tuesday- Music

Thursday- Art 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Week of January 17th-21st

There will be no school Monday in observance of MLK Jr. Day!
ELA: We will not have Morphs this week but will resume with list #9 next week. RRJ is due this Friday with a chat!  New Social Studies ticket to be due 1/28.
We have a text structure packet to be turned in on Friday. 

Math:  We will look at how fractions and decimals are related.

Science:  We will continue to work on the differences between weather and climate.  Students will have a quiz on Friday.  Students should continue to study their yellow science packets for our science fluency games and for test review.

Wednesday- Music
Thursday- Art

Tuesday- Music
Thursday- Art

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Week of January 10th-14th

 Students will have Friday, January 14th and Monday, January 17th off of school.  We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend.


ELA: We will continue our work jobs from last week. New Morphs' list #8 with a test on Thursday. Social Studies packet due on 1/13. New RRJ is due on 1/21. We will be working on text structure this week but will not have a test until 1/21. 

We finished our first timed writing prompt last week and I am overjoyed with with the results! I am so proud of the writing I am seeing and feel confident we will be ready for the state test in April. We will work on some elaboration techniques this week and have another timed prompt next week. 

Math:  We are continuing to work through Module 4.  We will continue to multiply fractions.

Science:  We will finish up the Water Cycle and move onto Weather and Climate.  Students will need to know the different weather tools and how they are used.  They will also need to know the different climate zones and the type of weather you would expect to find there.



Monday- Music

Tuesday- Art

Thursday- P.E.


Tuesday- Art

Thursday- P.E.