Friday, March 25, 2022

Week of March 28th-April 1st

Report cards will be sent home on Monday.  Please sign and return by Friday. 

Early Release on Wednesday!  Dismissal begins at 1:15.


ELA: We will do one more writing prompt this week over two days to prepare for the BIG TEST next week! The FSA writing test is on Thursday, April 7! 

Our standard for the week is understanding supporting evidence. We will NOT have vocab. this week, but SS ticket is due on Friday. Lesson check will be on Friday as well.

Math:  We are continuing to learn about the coordinate grid.  Students will play a game similar to battleship to review this concept.

Science:  We will begin reviewing all our science standards!  We will review PowerPoints, complete more labs and investigations.  Science Test Dates: May 11th & 12th



Monday- Art

Wednesday- PE

Friday- Music


Monday- Art

Wednesday- PE/Media

Thursday- Music

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Week of March 21st-25th


We hope everyone enjoyed Spring Break!

We are in our 4th quarter.

Students will have a 2-hour practice writing prompt on Tuesday! 


ELA: New Homonyms! List #3 With a test on Friday. New SS ticket due on 4/1 lesson 1 The French and Indian War. We will be having a practice FSA 2 hour writing prompt on Tuesday, March 22, 2020.

Our Standard is Drawing on information in multiple print and digital sources. 

Homonyms List #3

1.       its/it's    by/bye/buy    than/then    effect/affect    allowed/aloud    


Math:  We will begin Module 6 (our last module of the year).  This module covers the coordinate grid and finding patterns.

Science:  We will finish up our topic on food webs and food chains.



Monday- Art

Wednesday- P.E.

Friday- Music



Wednesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Week of March 7th-11th

 Last week of school before Spring Break!!  Students do not have school on Friday, March 11th--this is a teacher planning day!  Which means it is the end of the 3rd quarter. 

One more quarter to go before you have a middle schooler! 😎


ELA: All late work must be turned in by Wednesday! No exceptions! We will not have any vocabulary this week due to the short week. We will continue our study of Point of View-how the speaker or narrator feels about the topic. We will continue to work on writing strategies, with a practice FSA writing prompt when we return from spring break.

We will finally present our group projects for social studies! We ran out of time last week due to PMA testing.

Math:  Students will complete the Module 5 test on Thursday!  A review will be sent home on Wednesday.  Module 5 covers-- Volume, Area, and Polygons.

We will begin Module 6 after spring break--  this will cover coordinate grids and patterns.

Science:  We will finish our unit on animal and plant adaptations and begin working on food chains.



Tuesday- P.E.

Thursday- Music


Tuesday- P.E.

Wednesday- Music