Friday, November 27, 2015

Week of November 30th-December 4th

Welcome back!  We hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving break!

Field Trip forms were sent home on Tuesday before Thanksgiving, we will be going to the IMAX, on December 16th.  All money is due by 12/10/15, sorry for the short turn around!  Please see the field trip form for more information.

Math & Science Night will take place on Thursday, December 3rd at 6:00!  Please join us!

The testing window for administering the practice FSA's will begin on Tuesday, December 1st.  The practice science FCAT will be a paper/pencil test.  ELA & Math will be on the computer.  We are requesting that students bring headphones from home on the days of the ELA test. 

Testing will take place in this order:
ELA: (earbuds/headphones needed) – 2 sessions, 75 minutes each
Math: 2 sessions, 80 minutes each
Science: 2 sessions, 70 minute sessions

Testing Calendar for 5th grade:
Thursday, December 3rd: ELA Session 1 (headphones)
Friday, December 4th: ELA Session 2 (headphones)
Wednesday, December 9th: Math Session 1
Thursday, December 10th: Math Session 2
Friday, December 11th: Science Session 1
Tuesday, December 15th: Science Session 2

12 students enjoyed a nice snack filled lunch in the classroom today for earning our first Top Quality reward!  We will be having another one as soon as we have more students fill up their Top Quality charts! :) This week's secret phrase for our special drawing guessed it! "Top Quality".  Write your name and the phrase on a sticky note and pass it along to Mrs. Ray.  I will enter you in our next drawing !  It pays to check out our blog!


ELA:  We will NOT have a vocabulary test this week due to testing.  I am assigning an RRJ but it will not be due until the following week 12/11.
I will also be assigning a Social Studies ticket to be completed and turned in 12/11 as well.
Students are encouraged to go on Achieve 3000 at home as well as I-ready Reading if they are enrolled in that.
Since Progress Reports will be coming out soon I will need all work up to date and turned in for grading by Friday! 12/4.

Math: Before Thanksgiving break, we finished up module 3, we will review and complete the end of unit module this week.  This test will take place on Wednesday, December 2nd.  We will then begin Module 4-- this module covers multiplying and dividing fractions.  Remember, you can find lesson videos at the bottom of this post.

Science: We will be discussing the following forms of energy:
Light energy
Electrical energy
Heat (thermal) energy
Sound energy
Chemical energy
Mechanical energy

Monday- No School
Wednesday- Early Release (Science Lab)
Thursday- Math/Science Night
Friday- P.E. / Science Lab

Upcoming Events:
Progress Reports sent home: Wednesday, December 9th
Spelling Bee: Monday, December 14th: 8:45 in the cafeteria

Thursday & Friday Video: Module 4 Lesson 1:

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Science Lab Explorations

Wednesday and Thursday we were able to visit the science lab, we conducted an experiment on separating mixtures.  The mixture we were separating was sand, salt, and iron filings.  Here are a few pictures from our exploration.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week of November 16th-20th & November 23rd & 24th

Tuesday, November 24th will our last day of school until Tuesday, December 1st!  Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!  We are thankful for our 43 students and parents! 

No conduct sheet will be sent home on Monday, November 23rd.  We will combine these 2 days and pass out the week 4 conduct on Tuesday, December 1st.

Congratulations to the students who have earned the first Top Quality Luncheon to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 24th.
Olivia, Alysa, Mariana, Mackenzie, Lejla, Peyton S., Gabby, Dana, Jaci, Kira, Taylor.
These students will enjoy a fun filled lunch with Mrs. Ray and Ms. Tiberio.  Great job producing Top Quality Work!


Here are this week's vocabulary words for the test Friday, 11/20.

We will not have any vocabulary the week of 11/23.  

Our RRJ is due 11/19/15 with no RRJ the following week. (It was assigned 11/9.)

We WILL have a social studies assignment due 11/20.
Don't forget to keep turning in those RAH's.  We need to continue to work toward our 
25 book goal!

Just want to add that we have been working diligently on writing.  I am SUPER impressed with the results so far!  I am excited to see just how much better we can get!

This week I am including a secret word in the blog.  If you are reading this blog and see this word, write it on a sticky note with your name on it and leave it on Mrs. Ray's desk.  Do not share the word with your classmates!  It's just for those who read the blog. You will receive 2 tickets for your entry and be eligible for a special drawing the day before the break! 
The secret word is: Thankful

Math: We will continue to work on module 3, by looking at adding and subtracting fractions that are greater than or equal to 1.  We will also be solving multi-step word problems, students will be required to assess the reasonableness of their solutions by relating what they know about benchmark fractions.  Examples of benchmark fractions: 

Science:  During the week of November 16th, we will get the opportunity to visit our science lab!  We will be conducting an experiment on how heat affects change in the states of matter.  We are continuing to work through chapter 5 in our Interactive Science workbooks.  Before Thanksgiving break, we will have a test on Chapter 5.  This covers the 3 states of matter, their properties, physical & chemical change, etc...  Please review Chapter 5!  Test on Tuesday, November 24th!

Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Art
Friday- P.E.
Monday, November 23rd- Art
Tuesday, November 24th- Media (Ray Homeroom only)

Math Video Monday:Module 3 Lesson 9

Math Video Tuesday: Module 3 Lesson 10

Math Video Wednesday: Module 3 Lesson 11

Math Video Thursday: Module 3 Lesson 12

Math Video Monday: Module 3 Lesson 15:

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Flag Raising Ceremony

Thank you, Veterans!

Our Safety Patrol Flag Raisers:

Chorus Members helping with the ceremony:

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Week of November 9th-13th

Congratulations to Julian & Connor for being named our November Eagle of the Month!  These boys were selected for showing such great patriotism both at school and in our community!  Keep up the great work, gentlemen! 

Another busy week at Bartram Springs, there will be no school on Wednesday in observance of Veteran's Day!  We will have a flag raising ceremony at 8:45 on Tuesday!  On Friday,  we will have our Fun Run at 10:00am.  Please continue to get pledges so Bartram is able to purchase another computer cart!  Feel free to join us on the track at 10, to cheer on your kids! 


ELA:  We WILL have a vocabulary test on Friday.  
Students will have an RRJ due next Thursday, 11/12/15.
We will be completing our informative writing prompt and moving onto Opinion writing. 
We will continue our study of sports in America!
RAHs are due Thursday as always!
Ask your child about Achieve 3000 and the progress they are making!
I am super proud of the work that these students are doing!  They are working hard to earn Top Quality and taking such pride in their work! :)

Math:  We will continue our work with fractions by solving word problems involving fractions.  Students have really done a great job so far using the rectangular models to help them solve!  We are already halfway through Module 3, so we will have a mid-module assessment on Friday!  The videos will be posted below!

Science: We will begin discussing the 3 states of matter, this topic will be covered in Chapter 5 of the students Interactive Science workbooks.

Monday- Music
Tuesday- Flag Raising Ceremony
Wednesday- No School
Thursday- P.E. (wear tennis shoes)
Friday- Art/Fun Run (wear tennis shoes)

Monday Video:
Module 3 Lesson 6

Tuesday Video:
Module 3 Lesson 7

Thursday Video:
Module 3 Lesson 8