Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Elementary Math Parent Homework Helpline

Parents-- Please read below to learn about another way to assist your child with nightly homework!  It begins tonight! :) 

To provide additional support to parents we have developed a new resource, “The Elementary Math Parent Homework Helpline.”   This will begin on Tuesday, November 3rd and continue on Tuesday and Thursday nights.  Certified teachers will be available to assist families in solving problems and discussing mathematical questions and issues that their children are learning in class.  Parents can call in or join a collaborative online space from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in order to access assistance. Please share the following link: http://dcps.duvalschools.org/Page/17877.  This is where they can access the online link to the whiteboard space should they have access to a computer.  Alternatively, parents can also call in by telephone: (571)-392-7703 PIN: 731 439 616 412.  We hope that this will prove to be a valuable resource for parents and students to support our teachers’ efforts in the classroom. 

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