Friday, December 23, 2016

Thursday, December 22, 2016

January 5th & 6th

Just a reminder that we will return to school on Thursday, January 5th.  January 5th & 6th will be two of our weather make-up days from Hurricane Matthew & Tropical Storm Hermine.

Additional Weather Make up Days:

Friday, January 13th
Thursday, April 13th

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Week of December 19th-23rd

Our last week of school for 2016!  We have finished up all district testing and will discuss the data with the students this week.

If your child agreed to participate in Secret Santa be sure to send in a gift on Thursday, December 22nd.

Our Spelling Bee will take place on Thursday, December 22nd at 9AM.  We will also have our class holiday party on this day!  Thank you to our Room Mom: Tracy Williams for organizing all of this for us!  We will enjoy a movie and some pizza! :)

There is no school on Friday, December 23rd

Over winter break, students can still access Achieve, i-Ready, and PENDA!  
Be sure to record your Achieve Lessons and scores!

Congratulations to our first Top Quality Luncheon Earners! Students had some delicious snacks, watched a movie and earned a Top Quality Pencil!
Emily, Diya, Isabella, Bella, Ai, Christian, Camryn, Aaron, Jackson, Kaitlyn, Kaley, Peyton G., Peyton R., Brooke L., Brooke R.,Raina, Alexandra...WAY TO GO!!!


Monday we will have a district Writing Scrimmage.
We do not have social studies this week or vocabulary! YAY!
RRJs with chats are due on Wednesday,  All work is due to me by Wednesday of this week!
Sorry, no exceptions! :)

Same secret phrase for this week!

Math:  Students will continue to multiply fractions this week!  They will continue to have nightly homework this week.

Science: We will finish up our unit on Earth and Space Science, students will take a short test on Wednesday.

Monday- Art
Thursday- Holiday Party & Spelling Bee
Friday- No School

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tissues Please!

We are in need of tissues!  This time of year brings out all the sicknesses and we are already down to our last couple of boxes.  Please consider donating a box! 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Week of December 12th-16th

Holiday Party-  We will have our class party on Thursday, December 22nd.  Please be sure to turn in the $5 for pizza, snacks, and drinks to Tracy Williams.  Send it in with your child and we will make sure it gets to her.  Thank you!  

We will finish up our last week of mid-year testing!  The students have been doing a great job of showing us what they have learned so far.

Students will complete the Math session 2 test on Monday and will take Science session 1 & 2 on Tuesday and Thursday.

Early Release on Wednesday!  Also, on Wednesday we will have an in-school field trip.  Tree Hill is coming to complete a couple demonstrations (Energy & Water).  Pictures to follow!

We look forward to our first Top Quality luncheon on Wednesday!  Thank you to all of our luncheon participants for all of their hard work!

Vision screening will take place this week.

No vocabulary this week!
RRJ due 12/21 with CHAT!
Social Studies ticket due Friday.
We will also continue to work on our writing prompt from last week as well as our Jackie Robinson study!

Bin of Happiness winner for this week is Kaleigh L.! Congratulations!
New phrase for this week is:

Monday-  Session 2 of Mid-year scrimmage
TuesdayLesson 10-- we will compare and solve expressions involving the order of operations.  These problems will involve fractions.
Wednesday- Review/Tree Hill Presentations most of day!
Thursday-Lesson 11 & 12- We will focus on word problems involving fractions.
FridayStudents will complete the mid-module assessment after lesson 12. Daily Math Quiz

Science- We will discuss the phases of the moon this week.  We will complete an investigation involving Oreos! :)
Students will also complete the mid-year scrimmage on Tuesday and Thursday.

Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Early Release (Music)
Friday- P.E.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Hour of Code

Our students were able to take a little break from all the testing and work on completing an Hour of Code, during the nation wide, Hour of Code Week!  Students can get on this at home as well.

Enjoy!  I see some coders in our future! :)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Week of December 5th-9th

Both homerooms will have Media this week, please be sure to bring in all library books!

Students will continue to take their mid-year assessments in all subject areas.  We look forward to seeing all the growth they have made so far.

Remaining Testing Schedule:
Friday, December 9th: Math Mid Year Scrimmage Session 1
Monday, December 10th: Math Mid Year Scrimmage Session 2
Thursday, December 15th: Science Mid-year Scrimmage Session 1
Friday, December 16th: Science Mid-year Scrimmage Session 2
** The science test is paper-pencil, the Math is on the computer**

Students will be completing i-Ready Math & Reading on the computer as well over the next two weeks.


ELA: We will have new affixes to study this week and have our test on Friday.  Sorry it's sideways!  I will fix it this week!  My home computer is not cooperating!

Work jobs are carried over from last week with the RRJ due on Friday with chats and the social studies ticket due as well. 
Wednesday we will have class Spelling  Bees to determine who will represent each homeroom in school bee on December 22. We will have 4 representatives. 

We will begin our new Module 3A Sports in America.  Opinion writing has been introduced and we will complete a prompt this week. 

Bin of Happiness winners to be announced....

New phrase is: 
                                Image result for writing quotes

Math: Students will complete the diagnostic on i-Ready this week.  Ms. Tiberio's homeroom will complete this on Monday, Mrs. Ray's homeroom will complete on Tuesday.  We will work to complete lessons 7, 8, & 9 this week.
Lesson 7: Multiplying fractions
Lesson 8: Relate a fraction of a set to repeated addition
Lesson 9: Solving word problems involing faction multiplication

Students will complete session 1 of the Mid-year scrimmage on Friday.

Image result for multiplying fractions

Science:  We are still on our unit on planets and outer space.  We will discuss revoling and rotating this week and the difference between the two.  We will also begin discussing the phases of the moon.  Students will also complete an assignment on a planet.

Wednesday- Music & Tiberio Homeroom Media
Thursday- P.E. & Ray Homeroom Media
Friday- Art

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, December 22nd: Spelling Bee & Our classroom Holiday Party!
Friday, December 23rd: No School

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week of November 28th-December 2nd

We hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving break!

Early Release will take place on Wednesday.

Mid-year assessments will begin this week on Thursday & Friday students will take the mid-year test for ELA.  

Schedule for Testing:
Thursday, December 1st: ELA Session 1
Friday, December 2nd: ELA Session 2
Monday, December 5th: Science Session 1
Tuesday, December 6th: Science Session 2
Friday, December 9th: Math Session 1
Monday, December 12th: Math Session 2

We will be studying "roots" this week! Vocabulary test on Friday.

Work jobs this week:
RRJ with CHATdue 12/9* (2 weeks to complete)
Social Studies ticket due 12/9* (2 weeks to complete)
Vocabulary ticket and test 12/2
Achieve: two lessons completed by 12/2
RAH's due Thursday. (add any extra reading to the back!)

We will begin Module  3A this week:  Sports in America.  We will be learning about Jackie Robinson and his contribution to history.

Bin of Happiness winners for the week are Hunter and Isabella D.
New phrase this week: 
"Come on People!  View the Blog and win a chance at Happiness!"

Polite Pigs Earners this week are:
Hunter, Gael, Maria, Gavin and Emily!  Thank you for using great manners and having those winning smiles and attitudes!

Math: We will continue our discussions on Module 4.  This week we will work on Module 4 lessons 2, 3, 5, 6.  
Lesson 2: Interpret fraction as division
Lesson 3: will look at interpreting fraction as division
Lesson 5: Solving word porblems involving the division of whole numbers
Lesson 6: Relating fractions as division

Students can expect to have nightly homework.   Please continue to utilize i-Ready at home for additional math support!  Please check Focus for your child's grades!  Progress reports will be coming home soon!

Science:  We will really dive in to some good discussions on the planets.  We will spend time discussing the inner and outer planets and discussing the different characteristics of each planet.  

Image result for planets

Monday- Music
Wednesday- Early Release
Thursday- P.E.
Friday- Art

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Week of November 14th-22nd

We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We are very thankful we get to work and learn with your child every day! 

Science Fair projects are due on Tuesday!  We cannot wait to see them and have some great discussions about them.

Early Release on Wednesday!

We hope to see everyone at Math & Science Night on Thursday from 6-8PM, the winners of the science fair will be announced at 7:30 in the cafeteria.

Congratulations to our students of the month for November, these two girls were selected for always being respectful to both their peers and their teachers.  Great Job: Peyton G. & Mallory!


Since we didn't have our test on Friday due to the writing prompt we will have the test Monday!

 Social Studies ticket will be due Tuesday,  11/22.
We will be working on Fables and theme this week. We will also look at our writing prompt results and edit two paragraphs from our finished product.  We will look at examples of model papers to understand what it takes to get certain scores.

The Secret Phrase will remain the same for this week and a winner will be drawn on Tuesday due to the short week!  I will have a new secret phrase next week, I promise!  There is still time to get it in!

We will complete Module 3 this week, students will take the end of module assessment on the computer before Thanksgiving break.  This will cover: adding and subtracting fractions as well as finding fractions in simplest form.  They can plan to take this on Tuesday, November 22nd.

Week of November 21st & 22nd:
We will begin Module 4 before taking the Module 3 assessment on Tuesday!  Module 4 will still cover fractions, line plots, and how we interpret a fraction as division.

Students will take the Chapter 7 test on Thursday.  This will cover force and motion, and Newtons 3 laws of motion.  

Week of November 21st & 22nd:
We will begin working on our unit on Earth and Space Science.

Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Art

Week of November 21st:
Monday- Art

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week of November 7th-11th

Thank you to all of those who have served!  We will not have school on Friday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day!  There will be a flag raising ceremony on Thursday at 8:45 am.

PTA Movie Night on Thursday night!  Come out and enjoy the movie Zootopia!

Other news: This is the last full week before Science Fair projects are due.  Please make sure they are completed and turned in by Tuesday, November 15th.  No exceptions for late projects.

Thanks for all the Halloween Treats! They were yummy!

ELA:  Due to the short week we will skip vocabulary this week. We will be doing a social studies task as well as continuing our book study of Esperanza.  We are almost finished with the book and it has been wonderful!  
There will be an RRJ which will be due next Friday, November 18th with chats!
All "Arts and Learning" writing prompts from last week are due Monday, November 7th! Sorry, no exceptions!

We made yarn dolls this week just like the ones in the story! Students are writing stories from the perspective of the dolls with events from the novel.  I have gotten goosebumps already with some of the stories! They are wonderful! Stories are due on Thursday.

We had quite a few high "Achievers" this month and we "Celebrated" with a conga line to Kool and the Gang's Celebration! Keep increasing those Lexile Levels in Achieve 3000 and earn rewards while your reading comprehension improves!It's a win, win!

Bin Of Happiness Winners were: Bella Solis and Brooke L.
Good Job!  New Secret Phrase is:  

Write it on a sticky and turn in to be included in the Friday drawing!

Polite Pig Winners are Marrio P., Jordan, Bella S., and Cayla.
Thanks for your sweet manners and great attitudes this week!

Math: We will finish our discussions on adding and subtracting fractions by finding common denominators.  Students will take a Mid-Module assessment on Thursday.  This test will cover lessons 2-12 in module 3 of their workbooks.

Science:  We will begin Chapter 7 this week, which discusses force and motion.  We will discuss Newton's 3 Laws of Motion.  We will visit the science lab on Thursday to complete a lab called Marble Collision. 

Image result for neutons laws of motion

Monday- Music/ Ray- Media
Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Art/ Flag Raising
Friday- No School

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, November 17th: Math & Science Night from 6-8PM.  The winners of the science fair will be announced that evening at 7:30 PM.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week of October 31st- November 4th

Parents--  If you have any extra Halloween candy you would like to donate, our school's Science Committee could really use it for Math & Science Night we are planning on November 17th.  We would appreciate any donation! 

Marine Science Center Field Trip date change: Friday, January 13th!

Picture retakes will take place on Tuesday, November 1st!

Wednesday is early release!

On Friday, the students who earned the 1st quarter prize for completing 10 Math i-Ready lessons with an 80% or higher will spend the afternoon eating popcorn, watching a movie, and can wear their PJ's!  

Congratulations to the following students and thank you for working so hard to reach the goal: Isabella D, Peyton G, Nicolas, Diya, Cayla, Brooke L, Raina, Kaleigh, Mallory, Hunter, Peyton R, Brooke R, Eduardo, Bella, and Aaron.

I hope everyone is trying to meet the 2nd quarter goal to earn ice cream sundaes! :)

Boosterthon pledges are due by November 3rd!  Thank you for your support!  We earned, PJ day, sit where you want day, ice cream sammiches and crazy hat and sock day!  Great Work Team!

Here is proof that Dudes do Read!  special thank you to Mr. Pettigrew and Mr. Colbert for coming out to read to our class!


We will have a vocabulary ticket and test on Friday with these words:
I have carried the RRJ from last week over to this week to be due on Friday.  The writing prompt will begin on Monday and due Friday.  No social studies ticket this week but we will start a yarn doll project on Friday to go along with our novel study!
Image result for yarn doll clip art

Polite Pig Winners this week are:  
Kailey B. and Kaitlyn
Image result for pig clip art

Bin of Happiness winners are Michael and Grant!
New Secret Phrase is "Who You Gonna Call? Book Busters!" Write it on a sticky note and give it to Mrs. Ray for your chance to win!

Math: We will continue to work on fractions, adding, subtracting, division AND multiplying!  It'll be a busy week!

Science:  We will work on energy transformation, we will have a couple labs dealing with circuits and how electricity travels.

Tuesday- P.E. (wear tennis shoes)
Wednesday- P.E. (wear tennis shoes)/ Early Release
Thursday- Art

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Week of October 23rd-28th

We have a busy week this week, it is literacy week and our Boosterthon Fun Run will take place on Thursday!

Thank you to all the families who have made donations so far for the Boosterthon!  We look forward to the race on Thursday.

 Here are some fun pics of Crazy Hat and Sock Day that students earned with Pledges!

Literacy Week Events:
Monday: Reading Play: The Book Busters written and directed by our very own Mrs. Ray! (We aren't afraid of no books!)
Tuesday: Dudes Do Read
Wednesday: Grades K-2 will dress as their favorite book character and grades 3-5 will be the audience!

Early Release on Wednesday.

Science Fair: Students should continue to be working on their science fair projects.  At this time students should have their hypothesis figured out as well as the materials they will need to complete their project.


We will have a vocabulary test on Friday! New words:

Last week's test was a struggle for many students.  I am offering 10 points extra credit to add to that score.  Students need to write each word and definition and two sentences with each word using it correctly.  (8 words per sentence)

We will have an RRJ due on Friday as well as last week's social studies ticket.  We will also have a new Writing Prompt due on Friday.  Class time will be given for this prompt. 

Bin of Happiness Winners are: Ai and Isabella D. 
New Secret Phrase is:

Math:  We will begin Module 3 which will begin our discussion on fractions.  We will discuss equivalent fractions, and adding and subtracting fractions this week.

Science:  We will wrap up Chapter 6 in our science books. Students will have a test on Chapter 6 on Friday!  We will complete 3 investigations this week: sound energy, light energy, and a fun investigation dealing with candy corn! :) 

Monday- P.E. (wear tennis shoes)
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Early Release
Thursday-Boosterthon Fun Run
Friday- Music/ Media (Tiberio homeroom)

Leila & London were ready for the Cubs Game :)

The Cubs are headed to the World Series! Woohoo!

Week of October 17th-21st

All picture order forms are due by Thursday, October 20th!

Our Boosterthon Pep Rally will take place on Monday at 1:30 pm.

There is no school on Friday, for a teacher planning day!

Our October Eagle of the Month winners who demonstrate Perseverance: Jackson & Alejandra

More information about the Science Fair projects is coming home on Monday.  Please be sure to review the acknowledgement form and sign off on it.  Students should begin working on their project sooner rather than later to allow time for repeated trials.  Feel free to e-mail Ms. Tiberio if you have any questions regarding the science projects.

NEHS will be collecting canned food items for the UCOM food bank/meals on wheels program through the end of October.  Bring in your cans and earn tickets, positive stickers and a good feeling from helping others!

Today Mrs. Ray's Homeroom enjoyed ice cream Friday for winning the TOP DOG Reward!
New TOP DOG posted!  WHO WILL WIN????

ELA: New vocabulary words for the week! Test on Thursday!
We are back to normal with pre-fix vocabulary words but we will continue to reinforce correct usage of the previous homonyms.  
We will have a social studies ticket this week as well as a new writing prompt.  We will NOT have an RRJ this week but will continue to read Esperanza. 

We will have a Mid Unit Reading test on Esperanza Rising on Thursday.

Bin of Happiness winners for this week are Marrio and Hunter!
New phrase is as follows:

Kindness begins with me.

Polite pig earners for this week are: Eddie, Isabella D. and Brooke L.  Keep being polite and pigtastically polite!


Math:  We will finish module 2 and review, we will take the test on the computers on Wednesday. A review will go home on Tuesday night, please go over this with your child. We will spend Thursday reviewing the test.  We will then move on to Module 3 where we will begin to discuss FRACTIONS!!!!

Science: We will continue to work through forms of energy in chapter 6.  We will visit the science lab on Tuesday.

Monday- Art
Wednesday- Music
Friday- No School