Sunday, December 4, 2016

Week of December 5th-9th

Both homerooms will have Media this week, please be sure to bring in all library books!

Students will continue to take their mid-year assessments in all subject areas.  We look forward to seeing all the growth they have made so far.

Remaining Testing Schedule:
Friday, December 9th: Math Mid Year Scrimmage Session 1
Monday, December 10th: Math Mid Year Scrimmage Session 2
Thursday, December 15th: Science Mid-year Scrimmage Session 1
Friday, December 16th: Science Mid-year Scrimmage Session 2
** The science test is paper-pencil, the Math is on the computer**

Students will be completing i-Ready Math & Reading on the computer as well over the next two weeks.


ELA: We will have new affixes to study this week and have our test on Friday.  Sorry it's sideways!  I will fix it this week!  My home computer is not cooperating!

Work jobs are carried over from last week with the RRJ due on Friday with chats and the social studies ticket due as well. 
Wednesday we will have class Spelling  Bees to determine who will represent each homeroom in school bee on December 22. We will have 4 representatives. 

We will begin our new Module 3A Sports in America.  Opinion writing has been introduced and we will complete a prompt this week. 

Bin of Happiness winners to be announced....

New phrase is: 
                                Image result for writing quotes

Math: Students will complete the diagnostic on i-Ready this week.  Ms. Tiberio's homeroom will complete this on Monday, Mrs. Ray's homeroom will complete on Tuesday.  We will work to complete lessons 7, 8, & 9 this week.
Lesson 7: Multiplying fractions
Lesson 8: Relate a fraction of a set to repeated addition
Lesson 9: Solving word problems involing faction multiplication

Students will complete session 1 of the Mid-year scrimmage on Friday.

Image result for multiplying fractions

Science:  We are still on our unit on planets and outer space.  We will discuss revoling and rotating this week and the difference between the two.  We will also begin discussing the phases of the moon.  Students will also complete an assignment on a planet.

Wednesday- Music & Tiberio Homeroom Media
Thursday- P.E. & Ray Homeroom Media
Friday- Art

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, December 22nd: Spelling Bee & Our classroom Holiday Party!
Friday, December 23rd: No School

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