Sunday, March 6, 2016

Week of March 7th-11th

Busy week ahead
Please plan to attend the Town Hall Meeting taking place at Bartram Springs, Monday night at 6PM in the cafeteria.  The discussion will center around the curriculum.  The following people from the district will be present: Mason Davis (Curriculum & Instruction), Kim Bays (Our regional superintendent), and Jason Fischer (Our School Board Representative).

Class Pictures will take place on Tuesday, March 8th.  If you want your child to have more individual pictures taken you need to complete the form that was sent home last week.

Early Release on Wednesday.

Thursday will be family night at the Book Fair from 5-7!  All sales will support our school library!

Message from Mrs. Ray: The FSA Writing Test is in the record books!  I am so very proud of each and every student who took the test.  I could not have asked for more.  Everyone put in so much effort and did what they have been practicing for all year.  Fabulous Job!!!!

Congratulations to Mackenzie & Brock for being named our Outstanding Eagle of the Month for March.  They represent the character trait of Honesty!  



This week we will start working on FSA vocabulary words.  This will be the academic vocabulary associated with the FSA test.  We will work on these words for 3 weeks. (3 separate lists)   We will also have an RRJ due on Friday as well as a Social Studies Ticket due on Friday.

We will continue to work on standards to prepare for the upcoming FSA in April.

Mariana was the Bin of Happiness winner this week.  The secret phrase this week is "Reading is Succeeding" .  Write your phrase on a sticky note and turn it in to Mrs. Ray.

Math: We will look at 2-D and 3-D shapes this week and discuss their properties.

Science:  We will spend the week working on Chapter 9 in our Interactive Science Workbooks.  The topics covered will be: How do environments change?, How do adaptations help plants?, and How do adaptations help animals?  We will take a short quiz on Friday that covers this topic.  The quiz will be open book.

Free quiz question & answer:

Which event would cause an ecosystem to change quickly?
A. a climate change
B. a lake drying up
C. an earthquake
D. a pond becoming a marsh

Correct answer is: C. an earthquake

Resources:  Be sure to return all library books.
Monday- Music
Tuesday- Media (Ray)  
Wednesday- Early Release
Thursday- P.E./ Media (Tiberio)  
Friday- Art

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