Sunday, August 28, 2016

Week of August 29th-September 2nd

This week will be our first early release.  Dismissal will begin at 1:40 pm.

We are happy to welcome 3 new resource teachers for Art, Music, and PE.  This will mean that our children will be able to go to resources more often!  This week for resource, students will be completing their resource baseline assessments.

If you have not joined PTA please consider joining! The homerooms with the most participants joining will win a reptile party!  Mrs. Ray's homeroom has 6 members so far and Ms. Tiberio's has 7!  Superhero shirts were worn proudly on Friday!


ELA: What a busy week we had in ELA!  This week we will have the following work jobs due on Friday! Vocabulary ticket with a test Friday.  RRJ with chat groups due Friday.  We will have a social studies ticket due Friday as well.  Students will work on these tasks in the classroom and finish at home if not completed by Friday.
We will have a mid-unit Reading test on Wednesday to go along with our Human Rights/government topic.  Students will read an article and complete questions using the rules and expectations we have been learning the past two weeks.

Image result for reading rocks clip art
Secret phrase winners were: Alejandra and Alexandra!  These two young ladies got to visit the Bin Of Happiness! This week's secret phrase is "Reading Rocks"! Write it on a sticky with your name and turn it into Mrs. Ray.

Ridge brought in a project he did this summer on a book he read about Tasmanian Devils vs Wolverines!  We enjoyed hearing about these two interesting animals and seeing your poster, Ridge!  Way to be productive over the summer!

Math: This week in math we will compare decimals using <, >, =.  We will also round decimals to given place value.  Students will take the Mid-module assessment for these lessons on Wednesday.  We will then add and subtract decimals for the rest of the week.  At the bottom of this blog post you will find helpful videos to assist with the homework, if your child needs additional support.

Science:  We will wrap up our discussion on Chapter 1 this week.  Students will have their first test for science on Thursday.

Monday- Art baseline test
Wednesday- Music baseline test/Early Release
Thursday- P.E. baseline test

Upcoming Events:
Monday, September 5th- No School- Labor Day
Thursday, September 8th- Open House 6:00pm

Module 1 Lesson 6 (Monday)

Module 1 Lesson 7 (Tuesday)

Module 1 Lesson 9 (Thursday)

Module 1 Lesson 10 (Friday)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Which Paper Plane Flies Farther?

Today in science we tested 2 different models of paper airplanes.  One model had short and wide wings while the other model had long and narrow wings.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 22nd-26th

We've made it to the 2nd week of school!  We hope everyone got some rest this weekend and you are ready to really dig into this 5th grade curriculum!



This week we will begin our regular routine adding work jobs (centers) into our ELA block.  We will have the following vocabulary this week with a test on Friday:

Students will also be assigned a Reader's Response Journal/RRJ which will be due next Friday, September 2.  (two weeks to complete!)  These entries count as a test and students have a journal with all criteria listed inside of it.
In our curriculum the topic will be Human Rights and the role of the U.S. government in ensuring the rights of its citizens. 

This week our secret phrase is "What a great 1st week we had!" If you are reading the blog, write this phrase on a sticky and give it to Mrs. Ray to be put in the box for a drawing.  Winners go to the Bin Of Happiness.

Read At Home Log (RAH) is due Thursday with parent signatures!!!! Homework grade!

Grade Book Percentages for ELA and Social Studies:
Class Work-30%

Math:  Last week was a lot busier than we planned!!  We will really get into the curriculum this week by continuing to work through place value through the millions, and decimal place value through the thousandths place.  We will look at a number in word form, standard form, and expanded form.  Students will have nightly homework and a daily math quiz on Friday.  Students will have a quiz every Friday for daily math!

Students will take the i-Ready diagnostic test on Tuesday!  They will need to have headphones!

Grade book Percentages for Math:
Assessments- 40%
Quizzes- 30%
Homework/Classwork- 15%
Participation- 15%

Math Video: Lesson 5 (Thursday)

Science: We will continue to work through Chapter 1, we will look at different tools scientists use and how they collect data.  Students will have a test on Chapter 1 next week!

Grade book Percentages for Science:
Assessments- 40%
Quizzes- 30%
Homework/Classwork- 15%
Participation/Labs- 15% (Labs cannot be made up if a student is absent.)

Monday: Music
Thursday: P.E.

Wednesday: P.E.

Next week we will have our first early release!
Open House-- Thursday, September 8th at 6PM

Saturday, August 13, 2016

1st Week of School: August 15th-19th

Welcome back!  We are so excited to start this year with you!  The blog will be updated weekly and we hope you find it useful.

This week we will focus on rituals and routines and will begin to dive into the curriculum.


Are you ready for a fabulous year of reading and writing?  I know I am! Here is some info. to get you going!

You will be reading in the hallway before school, reading independently in the classroom, and completing a Reader's Response Journal as one of your "work jobs" for the week. 
I have a large class library for you to check out books if you do not have one of your own already.  

This week we will be setting up our 3 journals and we will learn the procedures for using them in the classroom.

We will be completing Achieve 3000 testing on Thursday and I-ready will follow for some students.  I will be introducing our Achieve 3000 incentive program and we will begin using the program as soon as the level set testing is complete!

We will also begin working with our reading and writing  curriculum.  

Read At Home Logs will be assigned on Thursday and collected next Thursday.  This will be the only homework for ELA.

Math:  We will begin the year by discussing place value.  Students will begin to have homework this week.  In math, they can expect nightly homework, except for on Friday.

Science: We will be discussing the characteristics of a scientist.  We will discuss the tools they use and the different types of scientists.

Tuesday- Art/Media
Friday- Music

Wednesday- Art/Media