Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 22nd-26th

We've made it to the 2nd week of school!  We hope everyone got some rest this weekend and you are ready to really dig into this 5th grade curriculum!



This week we will begin our regular routine adding work jobs (centers) into our ELA block.  We will have the following vocabulary this week with a test on Friday:

Students will also be assigned a Reader's Response Journal/RRJ which will be due next Friday, September 2.  (two weeks to complete!)  These entries count as a test and students have a journal with all criteria listed inside of it.
In our curriculum the topic will be Human Rights and the role of the U.S. government in ensuring the rights of its citizens. 

This week our secret phrase is "What a great 1st week we had!" If you are reading the blog, write this phrase on a sticky and give it to Mrs. Ray to be put in the box for a drawing.  Winners go to the Bin Of Happiness.

Read At Home Log (RAH) is due Thursday with parent signatures!!!! Homework grade!

Grade Book Percentages for ELA and Social Studies:
Class Work-30%

Math:  Last week was a lot busier than we planned!!  We will really get into the curriculum this week by continuing to work through place value through the millions, and decimal place value through the thousandths place.  We will look at a number in word form, standard form, and expanded form.  Students will have nightly homework and a daily math quiz on Friday.  Students will have a quiz every Friday for daily math!

Students will take the i-Ready diagnostic test on Tuesday!  They will need to have headphones!

Grade book Percentages for Math:
Assessments- 40%
Quizzes- 30%
Homework/Classwork- 15%
Participation- 15%

Math Video: Lesson 5 (Thursday)

Science: We will continue to work through Chapter 1, we will look at different tools scientists use and how they collect data.  Students will have a test on Chapter 1 next week!

Grade book Percentages for Science:
Assessments- 40%
Quizzes- 30%
Homework/Classwork- 15%
Participation/Labs- 15% (Labs cannot be made up if a student is absent.)

Monday: Music
Thursday: P.E.

Wednesday: P.E.

Next week we will have our first early release!
Open House-- Thursday, September 8th at 6PM

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