Saturday, October 27, 2018

Week of October 29th-November 2nd

Literacy Week at Bartram Springs!!!See the source image

Picture retakes will take place on Tuesday, October 30th.  Please notify us if your child is wanting to get their picture retaken.
See the source image
Early Release on Wednesday!  Happy Halloween!



New Daily Vocabulary Program to begin this week!  We will continue to
our Morph study as well.
This week we will have 5 new words.  We will complete various activities with these words daily. Next week we will have 5 more words with a test on 11/8 on all 10 words. Tests will be bi-weekly for these new words. These words will be put into our workbooks and may be taken home to study!
This week's words are:

We will be finishing Esperanza Rising this week!  To wrap up the novel we will do Point of View Writing and (the moment you have all been waiting for...) create yarn dolls!  It's not too late to send in yarn!

Image result for clip art yarn doll

Finally, we will be completing our first writing prompt about Bicycle Sharing Programs. The writing looks fabulous so far! 
Image result for pencil clip artA+ Stuff!

The winner of the bin of happiness is Jayla again!  There is no new phrase this week.

Math:  We will continue working with fractions.  We will be adding and subtracting with unlike denominators.  We will also look at fractions in word problems!

Science:  We will continue discussing force and motion and have a fun Halloween lab that has the students working with candy corn and creating catapults!
See the source image

Wednesday- Music/Art

Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- P.E.
Friday- Music

Math Videos:
Module 3 Lesson 4

Module 3 Lesson 5:

Module 3 Lesson 6:

Module 3 Lesson 7:

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week of October 22nd-26th

We had a blast at the Fun Run last Thursday!!  Thank you to all families who donated!

Tuesday will be PJ Day for both classes.  Students can dress in school appropriate pajamas.

Red Ribbon Week Schedule

10/22 Monday: I Pledge to Be Drug Free
Students sign pledge cards to kick off
Red Ribbon Week

10/23 Tuesday: We Are Too BRIGHT for Drugs
Wear neon colors and/or sunglasses

10/24 Wednesday: Show Your Support Against Bullying
Everyone wear Orange

10/25 Thursday: Use your head- don’t use drugs
Come in crazy hair or a hat

10/26 Friday: Team-up against drugs
Wear your favorite sports team attire

Report cards will be sent home on Friday.  Please return the envelope and the signature section.

Field trip money for the Alligator Farm is due this Friday!!  No exceptions!  Thank you!  Cost is $14.
See the source image

Don't forget to place your order with Scholastic Books! The deadline is Oct. 3oth!


ELA:  We will go back to our Morphs this week with a focus on list #4.  The test will be Friday, 10/26 and it is cumulative!

Emoji Writing is due this week along with our Text Structure activity.  We will continue to read Esperanza and will have a test on Friday covering what we have read so far. Students will be able to use the book as well as any notes we have taken in our Source Books.
We will continue working on our bicycle sharing prompt.

  #Writing Clip Art
Audrey was our Bin of Happiness winner this week.  This week it could be YOU!!! Write it down on a sticky note and give to Mrs.Ray.
Our new secret phrase is:
Reading one book is like eating one potato chip. - Diane Duane

Math:  We will be moving into Module 3 this week.  Which will cover adding and subtracting fractions!!!! We will also review for the upcoming module 2 assessment on Friday, October 26th.  Be sure to review the study guide with your child to help them prepare.  The assessment covers: division, multiplication, evaluating expressions, adding and subtracting decimals, and metric conversions--students will have a conversion chart.

Science: We will be exploring with electric circuits, we will discuss insulators and conductors and begin discussions about Force and Motion.

See the source image
Why is the pencil considered a conductor and an insulator?

Tuesday- Art
Fridy- P.E./Media

Monday- Art
Wednesday- Media
Thursday- Music

Module 3 Lesson 1:

Module 3 Lesson 2:

Module 3 Lesson 3:

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Fun Run Pictures

Enjoy some pictures from our Fun Run today!!  Thank you to our parent volunteers who helped out!!  We couldn't have done it without you!  Thank you to all the families who donated!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Week of October 15th-19th

Bartram Springs monthly SAC (School Advisory Council) meeting will take place at 6PM in the Media Center.  All are welcome!

Early Release on Wednesday.

Our annual Fun Run will take place on Thursday, October 18th!  Thank you to all the families who have donated so far!  We hope to see you on the track for the big race! :)
Image result for running clip art
The first 9 weeks ends on October 15th!

No school on Friday for a teacher planning day!  Enjoy the long weekend.  Report cards will be sent home on Friday, October 26th.

Field Trip money for the Alligator Farm is due by Friday, October 26th!

Mrs. Ray's homeroom has earned some rewards for the Fun Run! On Tuesday we will do crazy hat or hair, crazy socks and eat lunch in the classroom with a stuffed animal! Whew! That's gong to be some kind of day! Keep bringing in those pledges!


We will not have any spelling or vocabulary due to the short week.  We will resume next week!
This week we will continue reading Esperanza and begin work on a text structure project.
We will finish up our Emoji Writing from last week.  Finally, we will continue working on the writing prompt that we started last week.
Work Jobs for the week will be Emoji Writing, text structure project and writing prompt.
No Social Studies or RRJ this week!

The secret phrase this week is:
Image result for writing quotes images for kids
Turn in your sticky note for a chance at the Bin of Happiness!
Last week's winner was Zoe!

We will be wrapping up module 2 this week.  Students will be assessed on Friday, October 26th.  This is a computer based assessment.  Students will bring a review packet home to study.  There are 2 videos below to help review two lessons covered this week.

ScienceStudents have a science assessment on Wednesday.  This will cover everything from quarter 1 in science...experiments, observations, testable questions, states of matter, chemical and physical changes.  Be sure to review the pink packet of review words with your child.

Monday- Music
Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Music

Monday- P.E.
Tuesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.

Module 2 Lesson 22

Module 2 Lesson 23:

Friday, October 5, 2018

Week of October 8th-12th

Fun Run Pep Rally on Monday!  The PTA is hoping to raise enough funds to help revamp the track!  Adding shade, and bleachers!!  The shade is much needed out there!

Image result for sun clip art

This week we will take a break from vocabulary and spelling.  We will continue our Writer's Workshop and focus on introductions and annotating to look for reasons.

We will continue reading our novel and working on various projects related to Esperanza Rising.  In a few weeks we will  be making yarn dolls like the ones in the stories.  Please bring in yarn to share so that we will have enough!

Social Studies is due Friday!  We will have a "pop up" RRJ related to Esperanza.  We will continue to complete text dependent questions. 
We will have an Emoji assignment this week! 😏😅😇😉😍😎😂😟

This week's Bin of Happiness winner is:   Katie Dhanpaul!
New secret phrase is:
I am poor, but I am rich. I have my children, I have a garden with roses, and I have my faith and the memories of those who have gone before me. What more is there?” 

Image result for rose clip art

Math:  We will be dividing by powers of ten this week, and dividing whole numbers.  Be sure to view the videos for homework help.  On Tuesday, students will have i-Ready for homework.  They will need to complete 1 lesson.

Science:  We will continue to discuss the different forms of energy.
See the source image

Monday- Media
Tuesday- P.E.
Friday- Art

Monday- Music
Thursday- Art

Module 2 Lesson 16:

Module 2 Lesson 19:

Module 2 Lesson 20:

Module 2 Lesson 21: