Thursday, October 11, 2018

Week of October 15th-19th

Bartram Springs monthly SAC (School Advisory Council) meeting will take place at 6PM in the Media Center.  All are welcome!

Early Release on Wednesday.

Our annual Fun Run will take place on Thursday, October 18th!  Thank you to all the families who have donated so far!  We hope to see you on the track for the big race! :)
Image result for running clip art
The first 9 weeks ends on October 15th!

No school on Friday for a teacher planning day!  Enjoy the long weekend.  Report cards will be sent home on Friday, October 26th.

Field Trip money for the Alligator Farm is due by Friday, October 26th!

Mrs. Ray's homeroom has earned some rewards for the Fun Run! On Tuesday we will do crazy hat or hair, crazy socks and eat lunch in the classroom with a stuffed animal! Whew! That's gong to be some kind of day! Keep bringing in those pledges!


We will not have any spelling or vocabulary due to the short week.  We will resume next week!
This week we will continue reading Esperanza and begin work on a text structure project.
We will finish up our Emoji Writing from last week.  Finally, we will continue working on the writing prompt that we started last week.
Work Jobs for the week will be Emoji Writing, text structure project and writing prompt.
No Social Studies or RRJ this week!

The secret phrase this week is:
Image result for writing quotes images for kids
Turn in your sticky note for a chance at the Bin of Happiness!
Last week's winner was Zoe!

We will be wrapping up module 2 this week.  Students will be assessed on Friday, October 26th.  This is a computer based assessment.  Students will bring a review packet home to study.  There are 2 videos below to help review two lessons covered this week.

ScienceStudents have a science assessment on Wednesday.  This will cover everything from quarter 1 in science...experiments, observations, testable questions, states of matter, chemical and physical changes.  Be sure to review the pink packet of review words with your child.

Monday- Music
Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Music

Monday- P.E.
Tuesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.

Module 2 Lesson 22

Module 2 Lesson 23:

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