Sunday, December 16, 2018

Week of December 17th-21st

See the source imageThere will be a SAC meeting in the Media Center on Tuesday night at 6PM.  There will also be a music ensemble performance, following the meeting.  Feel free to join us!

Spelling bee will take place on Wednesday morning at 9AM. Congrats to all of our participants!

Our Holiday Party will take place on Friday!

The 2nd quarter ends on Friday!  We are half way through 5th grade!  Report cards will be sent home in the New Year!

We will be working on figurative language this week.  We will also be completing Achieve and I-ready lessons.  On Thursday students will complete an activity with a non-fiction reader.

Math:  We are continuing to divide fractions.  See videos below to help with homework or for further enrichment.

See the source imageScience:  We will finish up weathering and erosion with a couple fun labs this week.  We will move on to the water cycle.  There will be a quiz this week on weathering and erosion.  Tentatively planned for Thursday.

Wednesday- Art

Tuesday- Art
Friday- Music

Module 4 Lesson 6

Module 4 Lesson 7

Module 4 Lesson 8

Module 4 Lesson 9

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Week of December 10th-14th

Mid-year testing continues this week.  Students will complete Math on Monday and Tuesday, and Science on Thursday and Friday.

Don't forget to send in money for the holiday party.  The cost is $6.

Behavior contracts start this week to earn the holiday party!

Early release on Wednesday.

We will have no new work jobs this week due to Mid Year Assessments.  We will focus on figurative language in literary works and read a fabulous short story called "All Summer in a Day".  We will also address story structure in our  I-ready reading book. Writing will be returned and students will reflect on their essays and color code them.

Math:  We will begin Module 4.  This topic will move into dividing and multiplying fractions.  Task cards for math are due on Friday.

Science:  We will continue discussing rocks and minerals and talk about weathering and erosion.  Students will do a couple labs to learn about the difference between weathering and erosion.

Monday- Music
Tuesday- Art
Thursday- Music
Friday- P.E.

Monday- P.E./Art
Thursday- P.E./Music
Module 4 lesson 2:

Module 4 Lesson 3

Module 4 Lesson 5:

Module 4 Lesson 6:

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Week of December 3rd-7th

See the source image

Information was sent home about our holiday party on Friday, December 21st.  The cost is $6.  Please send that in as soon as possible.

Mid-year testing will take place this month.  This is a good indicator for us to see what your child has learned so far this year.  These tests will be on paper.

Your child will test on the following dates:
December 6th & 7th- Reading
December 10th & 11th- Math
December 13th & 14th- Science


ELA: New words for test on Friday:
courteous-having manners and respect
escalate-to increase in intensity
peculiar-different from the usual or normal
establishment-place of business
fund-to supply with money
manuscript-something written by hand

Our Writing Prompt will be completed this week!  Social Studies due on Friday.

We will complete a Unit Test on Tuesday.

Math: We will be finishing up Module 3 this week.  Students will take the assessment on Wednesday.  This assessment will cover adding and subtracting fractions.

Science: We will be moving on to Rocks and Minerals.  Students will get to explore with different minerals and learn to determine a mineral based on its properties.
See the source image

Monday- Art
Wednesday- Media
Thursday- P.E.

Tuesday- Media
Wednesday- Music