Sunday, December 2, 2018

Week of December 3rd-7th

See the source image

Information was sent home about our holiday party on Friday, December 21st.  The cost is $6.  Please send that in as soon as possible.

Mid-year testing will take place this month.  This is a good indicator for us to see what your child has learned so far this year.  These tests will be on paper.

Your child will test on the following dates:
December 6th & 7th- Reading
December 10th & 11th- Math
December 13th & 14th- Science


ELA: New words for test on Friday:
courteous-having manners and respect
escalate-to increase in intensity
peculiar-different from the usual or normal
establishment-place of business
fund-to supply with money
manuscript-something written by hand

Our Writing Prompt will be completed this week!  Social Studies due on Friday.

We will complete a Unit Test on Tuesday.

Math: We will be finishing up Module 3 this week.  Students will take the assessment on Wednesday.  This assessment will cover adding and subtracting fractions.

Science: We will be moving on to Rocks and Minerals.  Students will get to explore with different minerals and learn to determine a mineral based on its properties.
See the source image

Monday- Art
Wednesday- Media
Thursday- P.E.

Tuesday- Media
Wednesday- Music

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