Saturday, March 30, 2019

Week of April 1st-5th

FSA writing test will take place on Tuesday.  Please make sure your child is at school on time!!

Students will be earning points towards attending an FSA incentive party on May 20th!  5th graders will celebrate the end of testing but only if they received enough points to attend.  Students earn points based on attendance, punctuality, positive attitude, and working the entire testing time.

Report cards were sent home on Friday.  Please sign and return.  Don't forget to return the envelope as well!



Image result for clip art encouragement'Image result for CLIP ART WRITING
List #2 of FSA words:
We will annotate these words in class for further clarification. TEST ON APRIL 12TH.
Students wanting extra credit for grades on the first FSA vocabulary can write all missed words and definitions on notebook paper and turn in to me. 1 point per corrected question.

We did not complete everything from last week's plan so this week we will continue with quoting accurately from a text to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. Focus lesson on main idea with key details.

We will continue with 'no glamour in incorrect grammar' lessons!  More videos on frequently missed words and punctuation!

Math:  We will finish up Module 5 and test on Wednesday.  Students will bring a review sheet home on Monday to study.  We will begin Module 6 on Thursday.  Module 6 covers the coordinate grid.  In 5th grade students only need to know the positive quadrant.
Important vocabulary to know:
Origin- (0,0)
x- coordinate

See the source image

Science:  We will be reviewing the spring assessments students took last week.

Wednesday- Art

Monday- Art

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Week of March 25th-29th

Image result for images math competitionThe Math Competition will take place on Monday Night at 6PM in the Cafeteria.

Students will take the spring science assessment on Thursday and Friday.

Report Cards will be sent home on Friday!  Please sign and return.

NEHS is beginning a program called "Homework Heroes", students can get homework help on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8-8:25 in Mrs. Rogers room in the red hallway!  Feel free to contact one us for additional information.

Weekly workouts this week!  Be sure to sign each time they complete a workout.


ELA: Monday we will take an FSA practice test! Next week is the real thing on April 2! Please be in attendance and on time.

Test on Friday!

Social Studies ticket and RRJ due Friday!
We will have our unit 6 Interim test on Friday.  Skills to focus on visualizing and comparing and contrasting stories of the same genre.  Focus Lesson this week will be to integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to speak and write about them.  You may use your notes and the previous lessons we completed in I-Ready Reading.

I-Ready Reading will include quoting accurately from a text to include explaining explicitly and inferring from a given text.

Math:  We will continue to discuss geometry.  Students will take a test the following week. Likely on Monday or Tuesday.  Students will need to know the different types of polygons, triangles, and quadrilaterals.  The test will also cover: Area, Volume and Geometry.  Task cards are due this Friday (3/29). Students will have nightly homework.

Science:  We will continue discussing food webs, students will have the opportunity to create their own food web and food chain.  There will be a 5 question quiz on Wednesday.  Students will then take the spring assessment on Thursday and Friday.

Monday- Art/Music
Thursday- P.E./Music

Monday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Week of March 18th-22nd

We hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful Spring Break!  We are starting the last 9 weeks this week!  This year is flying will have a middle schooler very soon!! :)

Image result for Field tripSAC meeting on Tuesday at 6PM in the Media Center, all are welcome!

Wednesday is our field trip to the Marine Science Center.  Students will need to bring a bagged lunch.  The Marine Science Center asks that everything be able to be thrown away--so a brown paper bag!  Students can also bring their decorated jugs.

Friday is a teacher planning day!  No school for students!


ELA:  We will begin studying FSA academic vocabulary.  This list will be for 2 weeks with a test on 3/29.
We will  be working on determining main idea and key details this week.  Work jobs will be due on 3/29 and are SS and RRJ.  Tuesday students will complete an Interim assessment on Tuesday to complete unit 6. Visualization and finding theme, both skills we have worked on at length.
We will continue to have daily Language Lessons as well as a focus lesson for the week.  

We will color code our last writing prompt and get ready for our last 2 hour practice prompt.  The FSA writing test is right around the corner!

Math:  We will begin to discuss shapes and the properties of quadrilaterals.

Image result for properties of quadrilaterals kids

Science:  We will begin discussing food webs & food chains!

Image result for food web

Monday- Media
Tuesday- PE

Monday- Music
Thursday- Art

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Week of March 4th-8th

See the source imageOur last week before spring break!

Early release on Wednesday.


I will not assign any new work jobs until after Spring Break!🙌🙌🙌🙌
List #10 at long last!  The test on Friday will be cumulative! Please study!
This week's focus will be on finding and comparing  theme in texts from similar genres.
We will also continue with our Language Lessons. Remember, there's no Glamour in Incorrect Grammar!

See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source image

We will color code and go over last week's writing prompts this week.

Math:  We will take a mid module assessment for volume this week (Tuesday).  We will then continue to discuss area and volume.

Science:  We will try our best to wrap up our unit on plant an animal adaptations before spring break, but this may carry over!! We love talking about animals!
See the source image

Monday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- Art

Wednesday- P.E./Art