Sunday, March 24, 2019

Week of March 25th-29th

Image result for images math competitionThe Math Competition will take place on Monday Night at 6PM in the Cafeteria.

Students will take the spring science assessment on Thursday and Friday.

Report Cards will be sent home on Friday!  Please sign and return.

NEHS is beginning a program called "Homework Heroes", students can get homework help on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8-8:25 in Mrs. Rogers room in the red hallway!  Feel free to contact one us for additional information.

Weekly workouts this week!  Be sure to sign each time they complete a workout.


ELA: Monday we will take an FSA practice test! Next week is the real thing on April 2! Please be in attendance and on time.

Test on Friday!

Social Studies ticket and RRJ due Friday!
We will have our unit 6 Interim test on Friday.  Skills to focus on visualizing and comparing and contrasting stories of the same genre.  Focus Lesson this week will be to integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to speak and write about them.  You may use your notes and the previous lessons we completed in I-Ready Reading.

I-Ready Reading will include quoting accurately from a text to include explaining explicitly and inferring from a given text.

Math:  We will continue to discuss geometry.  Students will take a test the following week. Likely on Monday or Tuesday.  Students will need to know the different types of polygons, triangles, and quadrilaterals.  The test will also cover: Area, Volume and Geometry.  Task cards are due this Friday (3/29). Students will have nightly homework.

Science:  We will continue discussing food webs, students will have the opportunity to create their own food web and food chain.  There will be a 5 question quiz on Wednesday.  Students will then take the spring assessment on Thursday and Friday.

Monday- Art/Music
Thursday- P.E./Music

Monday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.

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