Friday, April 26, 2019

Week of April 29th-May 3rd

Progress Reports go home on Tuesday!  Please sign and return!

FSA ELA Session 1 & 2 will take place this week on Wednesday and Thursday!

Friday will be Science Camp!  A day filled with science activities!

Field trip money is due Friday, May 10th!


ELA: FSA week is here!  We will be preparing for the test with review. We will focus on theme in poetry.  When we are finished with the test we will begin a new Travel Brochure project to be completed by 5/17.  All requirements will be given in class. No other new work jobs at this time.

Math:  We are continuing to practice fluency and reviewing how to properly answer and grid the bubble sheets for the upcoming FSA.

Science:  We are continuing to review all topics and look forward to science camp on Friday!  We will be reviewing electricity this week.  Students can expect a quiz one day this week covering electricity.  The quiz will be open book.

Monday- P.E.
Friday- Art

Wednesday- Art

FSA 5th Grade Testing Schedule:
May 1st & 2nd: FSA ELA
May 7th & 8th: FSA Math
May 9th & 10th: State Science Assessment

End of Course Exams for Resources will take place on May 13th-15th

Please make sure your student is in attendance for every session, unless sick.  Students will earn a popcorn/movie party for following testing expectations.

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