Sunday, August 18, 2019

Week of August 19th-23rd

Woo!!  We have survived the first week of school!  We are off and running...

There will be a SAC meeting this Tuesday night, August 20th, at 6PM in the Media Center.  All are welcome to attend to hear about things going on at our school.


ELA:  Hooray for the wonderful first week we had!  😊We put many routines into place last week and we will continue to do so this week.  On Monday and Tuesday we will have  I-ready Testing.  Please bring your headphones/earbuds for the test.🎧
Our first RAH will be due on Thursday so make sure you are reading and recording your pages nightly.
This week we will continue working on Main Idea and finding Key Details.

We will begin working on our first Reader's Response Journal entry (RRJ) with an RRJ Chat.  Make sure you have a chapter book with you at all times! 💓 This will be due on 8/30/19.

We will get our first TASK Sheet this week to introduce our Work Jobs. Book Jackets will be due by 8/23/19.  We will also have our first Social Studies Ticket to be due on 8/30/19.

The Secret Phrase for the this week is:
See the source image
Write this phrase on a sticky note and give it to Mrs. Ray with your name on it for a chance to win a trip to the Bin of Happiness!!!!!!

Math:  We are working on place value.  Students need to know how to multiply and divide numbers by powers of 10 as it relates to decimals.  Students will also take the i-Ready computer baseline on Thursday & Friday.  See videos below that discuss the lessons we have covered this week.  Students will take a daily math quiz every Friday.

Science:  We are continuing to learn about scientific investigations.  Students should begin brainstorming for their science fair projects.  More information will come home at the beginning of September.

Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music/P.E.

Monday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Friday- Art

Math Videos:
Module 1 Lesson 2

Module 1 Lesson 3:

Module 1 Lesson 4:

Module 1 Lesson 5:

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