Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sept. 6th & Sept. 9th-13th

We hope everyone made out okay after the hurricane.  We look forward to seeing everyone back on Friday.

We hope to see everyone at Open House at 6PM on Thursday, Sept. 12th at 6PM!  We will share a lot of good information.

Students will complete baseline testing this week for all of their resource classes: Art, Music, & PE


Another productive week in ELA. We had our first Morph's test and will have a test on list #2 on 9/20.  We will work on getting all flashcards updated because the tests are cumulative.

We finished up summarizing last week with our 10 Buck Summaries and will move onto Inference this week in our I-Ready reading book.  I am still finishing up RRJ chats so we will not have a new RRJ this week.  We will have a SS ticket on the peoples of the Northwest.  This will be due on 9/20.
We will continue our study of grammar in our "There is no Glamour in Incorrect Glamour" lessons!
Remember RAH logs are due every Thursday!  This is a homework grade and will impact your average if you do not turn them in every week. 📕📑

Our Classroom-Book-A-Day is going well and we have read 17 picture books so far! yahoo!
I will be adding an extra credit option this week.  On your own time, you may write a "5 sentence 5 star review".  Tell about the book and what you liked or did not like about it.  Follow Mrs.Ray's Writing Rules for Life and make it Top Quality to earn up to 5 points toward a low grade. (Maximum of 20 extra credit points per 9 weeks.)
Our Bin of Happiness winner this week is Andre F.  Collect your Happiness on Monday!

Finally, we learned about Frida Kahlo this week and read a Classroom-Book-A-Day called Frida,
See the source image
Our new secret phrase is a quote by this wonderful artist!

See the source image

Math: Check out the videos below to help with homework or to review material covered in class!  We will continue to work on subtracting decimals, multiplying decimals, dividing decimals.

Science:  We will be working on Properties of Matter this week, we will complete a lab this week that deals with separating mixtures.  Students will separate mixtures based on their properties.  Students will have another vocabulary quiz for science.  Students will have access to the words on the blog, and it is also stapled in their planners.  The quiz will be on Sept. 20th.

Vocabulary Words:
characteristic- A feature, quality, property, or trait of an object or organism
properties of matter- used to describe matter (e.g. mass, volume, color, texture, size, and temperature)
state of matter-  The form matter can take (e.g. solid, liquid, gas)
solution-  a mixture that has the same composition throughout because all are the parts are mixed evenly (example:  lemonade)
liquid-  the state of matter in which a substance has a definite volume but no definite shape
gas-  the state of matter in which a substance does not have a definite shape or volume
classify-  to arrange in a specific order or group by categories based on similarities
matter-  anything that takes up space and has mass
mixture-  a combination of two or more different substances in which the substances keep their identities (example:  trail mix)
dissolve-  to form a solution with another substance.  The substances are spread out evenly and you cannot see the separate substances in the mixture.
solid-  the state of matter in which a substance has a definite shape and a definite volume
Image result for properites of matter

Weekly Workouts:
Students will get their first set of workouts the week of Sept. 9th!  I ask that parents initial each day that they complete the workouts.  I give 3 workouts for the week, students can choose to complete them whenever they would like throughout the 4 days.  I will check signatures on Friday.

Friday, Sept. 6th- Art/P.E.
Monday, Sept. 9th- Music

Friday, Sept. 6th- Music
Wednesday, Sept. 11th- Art
Friday, Sept. 13th- P.E.

Helpful Math Videos:
Lesson 10

Lesson 11:

Lesson 13:

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