Sunday, October 27, 2019

Week of Oct. 28th- Nov. 1st

Image result for sign and returnReport Cards will be sent home on Monday.  Please sign and return.

Picture Retakes will take place on Tuesday.

Early Release on Wednesday.  Dismissal begins at 1:15.

5th grade is collecting Slim Jim's or Beef Jerky for the military in preparation for Veteran's Day!  If able, please send in a package or two.

Don't forget to pay for the field trips! An e-mail went home on Tuesday 10/22 about cost and how to pay.


ELA: We are taking a break from Morphs this week to spend some extra time on Writing! We will add elaboration to our plans this week using the Video Games passages.  Elaboration Station!
New work jobs due 11/8 are Social Studies worksheet and a new RRJ.  No creative arts if you did one this past week!  Friday we will take the independent practice for THEME in a drama which is our Ready Reading topic this week! We will also take a short Knowledge is Power quiz on Friday using our Source Books to find the answers to the questions!
No new quote this week due to no entrees for the Bin of Happiness last week!
Here is the quote from last week again!
See the source image

Math:  We will review Module 2 on Monday and students will take a test on Tuesday.  A review sheet will be sent home Monday for you to review with your child.  Wednesday we will begin Module 3 which covers addition & subtraction of fractions.  See videos below to review and assist your child at home.

Science:  We will be wrapping up force & motion.  Students will have a quiz on this topic on Wednesday.  We also have a fun lab planned for Halloween.  Friday we will begin discussing the galaxy!  Science Fair projects are due in 2 weeks-- Tuesday, Nov. 12th!

Monday- P.E.
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- P.E.

Monday- P.E./Music
Thursday- Music

Module 3 Lesson 3:

Module 3 Lesson 4:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Week of Oct. 21st-25th

Thank you to all the families who contributed to help our school raise funds by donating to the Fun Run!  The kids had a great time!

The book fair will be going on all week.  Family night is Thursday from 6-7:30 pm.

Red Ribbon week will take place beginning Wednesday!

PTA Fall Festival will take place on Friday!

Report cards will go home on the 28th.


Test on List #5 Morphs on Friday! 10/25

I decided to carry over our Work Jobs to this week due to many time challenges last week. Therefore our previously assigned RRJ's and SS are due by Friday 10/25.
We will also complete the independent practice in our Ready books pages 100-105 to be completed by 10/25 as a work job.

This week's ready lesson will focus on comparing and contrasting events and settings with a test on Friday along with our Morphs list #5 test.
For WOW: Writing On Wednesdays: This week we will work on finding reasons and evidence to support our Opinions.
Our Bin of Happiness Winner this week is Paisley! 💗 Come and get your Happy!
This week's secret phrase is:
See the source image

Math: We will continue to work through Module 2.  This will cover division with remainders.  We will also discuss the importance of checking work when it comes to solving division problems.  See videos below for additional help.  Next week we will review and test for module 2.  Test will be on Tuesday.

Science:  We will begin our unit on force & motion.  New vocabulary words will be sent home.
Image result for force and motion

Monday- Art
Tuesday- Music/Media

Monday- Media
Thursday- Art

Module 2 Lesson 19:

Module 2 Lesson 20:

Module 2 Lesson 28:

Module 2 Lesson 29:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Week of Oct. 14th-18th

Image result for boosterthon fun runFun Run is still in full swing!  Thank you to all the families who have helped our school strive to reach its goal!  We love our PTA!!

The Fun Run will take place on Thursday!  For 5th grade the time frame is 1:15-2:15pm.  You are welcome to join us on the track to cheer on your child!  If any parent is interested in helping to mark laps, let Ms. Ray or Ms. Puckett know!  We would love an extra set of hands!

No School Friday!  Friday is a teacher planning day!  We will see everyone on Monday, Oct. 21st!  Report cards will go home on Monday, Oct. 28th.

ELA: New Morphs this week but the test will not be until next week! Hooray! List #5 will be tested on 10/25.

RRJs and SS worksheet are both due this Wednesday, 10/16.  We will continue to work on writing this week as well as our Ready Readings skill of Comparing and Contrasting Characters in a drama.
This week's Bin of Happiness Winner is: Misti! Congratulations! Come and get some of that Happy!

This week's secret phrase is:
See the source image
Write your name and the quote on a sticky note and give to
Mrs. Ray for a chance to be Happy! 💓💓💓💓💓💓

Math:  Students will take the quarter 1 math progress monitoring assessment on Monday. This will cover what we worked on during the first quarter of school.  We will work on multiplication word problems this week as well as begin lessons on division.  See videos below to assist with additional review and homework help.

Science:  Students will take the quarter 1 progress monitoring assessment on Wednesday.  This is a great indicator of student progress during the first quarter.  Students have a vocabulary quiz on Tuesday!  See last weeks post for the words.  We will are working on forms of energy this week.
Image result for forms of energy

Tuesday- P.E.

Tuesday- Art/Music
Thursday- P.E.

Module 2 Lesson 15:

Module 2 Lesson 16:

Module 2 Lesson 17:

Module 2 Lesson 19:

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Week of October 7th-11th

Our Fun Run Pep Rally will be on Tuesday!  We look forward fundraising for our school!

Parents-- please consider a $5.00-8.00 donation so that we can continue with our Scholastic News Magazines.  This is a great resource for science!  Hopefully your child brought home the first magazine we read for you to see. :)


ELA: No morphs this week due to PMA testing. (District Progress Monitoring Assessments)
We will take 2 -60 minute sessions. The first will be Monday and the second will be Tuesday.
Work jobs this week will be to continue with RRJs due 10/11, Amazon Packets due 10/11, and a new social studies work sheet due on 10/16.  We will be working on our Pirate Writing this week.
Our next Ready Reading focus will be comparing and contrasting characters in a drama.
This week's winner of a trip to the Bin of Happiness is: Aliyah!  Yay Aliyah! Come get some happy! 😊
Our new secret phrase of the week is:
See the source image

Math:  We will look at metric conversions this week.  We will also relate fractions to division.  Videos below to assist with homework and extra review.  Students can always work on i-Ready for additional math support at home.

Vocabulary Quiz will take place on Tuesday, October 15th.  We will be discussing forms of energy this week.
light energy- the potential for light to perform work.  This is the only type of energy we can see.
refract- the bending of light as it passes from one substance to another
mechanical energy-  a type of energy an object has due to its motion or position
reflect-  to bounce light, sound, or heat off of a surface
electrical energy-  an electric charge that lets work be accomplished
transparent- able to be seen through
thermal (heat) energy-  the energy an object has because of the movement of its molecules
translucent-  allowing light to pass through, but it will be difficult to see clearly
sound energy-  energy made by vibrations
opaque- no light can pass through
pitch-  the relative frequency (high or low) of a sound as perceived by a listener.
friction-  a force that opposes motion through direct contact (rubbing hands together creates thermal energy)

Thursday- Art
Friday- Music

Monday- Art
Wednesday- PE

Module 2 Lesson 13:

Module 2 Lesson 14:

Module 2 Lesson 15:

Module 2 Lesson 16: