Saturday, October 19, 2019

Week of Oct. 21st-25th

Thank you to all the families who contributed to help our school raise funds by donating to the Fun Run!  The kids had a great time!

The book fair will be going on all week.  Family night is Thursday from 6-7:30 pm.

Red Ribbon week will take place beginning Wednesday!

PTA Fall Festival will take place on Friday!

Report cards will go home on the 28th.


Test on List #5 Morphs on Friday! 10/25

I decided to carry over our Work Jobs to this week due to many time challenges last week. Therefore our previously assigned RRJ's and SS are due by Friday 10/25.
We will also complete the independent practice in our Ready books pages 100-105 to be completed by 10/25 as a work job.

This week's ready lesson will focus on comparing and contrasting events and settings with a test on Friday along with our Morphs list #5 test.
For WOW: Writing On Wednesdays: This week we will work on finding reasons and evidence to support our Opinions.
Our Bin of Happiness Winner this week is Paisley! 💗 Come and get your Happy!
This week's secret phrase is:
See the source image

Math: We will continue to work through Module 2.  This will cover division with remainders.  We will also discuss the importance of checking work when it comes to solving division problems.  See videos below for additional help.  Next week we will review and test for module 2.  Test will be on Tuesday.

Science:  We will begin our unit on force & motion.  New vocabulary words will be sent home.
Image result for force and motion

Monday- Art
Tuesday- Music/Media

Monday- Media
Thursday- Art

Module 2 Lesson 19:

Module 2 Lesson 20:

Module 2 Lesson 28:

Module 2 Lesson 29:

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