Saturday, November 30, 2019

Week of December 2nd-6th

We hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday!

Students will begin i-Ready testing this week for ELA.  Math will take place the following week.
On Wednesday, students will take a writing field test.  This will be similar to the format of the FSA writing test students will take in April.

No morphs due to a week of testing and some other things mixed in!
We will continue working on writing by finishing up prompts and working on planning etc.
In reading, we will be working on summarizing as well as making inferences. We will resume new work jobs next week. This week's work job will be to complete a sequence thinking map using the skill of summarizing to retell one of our classroom book a days.
This week I am resuming your opportunity for Happiness!!!
Our secret phrase this week is:
See the source image
Turn it in on a sticky note for a chance to go to the Bin of Happiness!

Math:  We will add and subtract fractions that involve whole numbers & fractions.

Science: We will wrap up our unit on Space, and begin a unit on rocks & minerals.  We will discuss the properties of minerals as well as the 3 different types of rocks.

Image result for types of rocks

Friday- Art/Media

Tuesday- Art
Thursday- P.E..Media

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Week of November 18th-22nd & Nov. 25th & 26th

Image result for field trip don't forgetProgress reports will be sent home on Monday.  Please sign and return.

SAC meeting at 5:30 in the Media Center on Tuesday.  Also, Math Night will take place on Tuesday beginning at 6!  Feel free to come to the SAC meeting to see what it is all about and then join us for Math night.

Holiday lunch for 1st, 3rd, & 5th grade students will take place on Thursday.  You needed to RSVP in order to attend.  We look forward to seeing some of you at lunch!

Friday- Field Trip-- Students who plan to attend will need to bring a bagged lunch.  Students also need to wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather.

There is no school on Wednesday, Nov. 27th- Friday, Nov. 29th.  We will see everyone back at school on Dec. 2nd.  We hope everyone has a restful, and enjoyable Thanksgiving.


Achieve level set test Tuesday!
Morphs test on Thursday! List #6
Social Studies is due on 11/21.  Writing is due on 11/20.  Intro, two bodies and a conclusion paragraph. Needs to be color coded also!  New prompt will begin Wednesday on WOW! Writing On Wednesdays!
We will be working on summarizing literary texts this week and next week!. (narratives)

We will be working on Writing the two days before Thanksgiving break as well as finishing up any I-Ready reading on Summarizing.

Math:  We are continuing to work through Module 3 which is working on fractions.  We will look at fractions in word problems this week.

Science:  We will look at Earth's place in space as well as moon phases.  We will read another Scholastic News Magazine the two days before Thanksgiving!

Image result for phases of the moon

Monday: Music
Monday 11/25: Art/PM
Tuesday 11/26- Music

Monday- Media
Wednesday- Art
Friday- PE
Monday 11/25: Music

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Week of Nov. 11th-15th

No School Monday in observance of Veteran's Day!  We hope everyone enjoyed the 3-day weekend.

Image result for science fairScience Fair Projects are due Tuesday morning!!  We can't wait to see them.  Don't forget Science Night on Friday beginning at 6PM.

Early Release on Wednesday.  Dismissal will begin at 1:15.

Thursday is the last day to pay for the Alligator Farm field trip!  The cost is $11.00.  If you paid online, we still need the signed permission slip returned.


We will be working on Morphs this week to be tested on 11/21.  New work jobs are: Writing prompt, intro, and 2 bodies paragraphs. Due 11/13.  We will be working on conclusion paragraphs on our next WOW (writing on Wednesdays) 11/13. No RRJ this week but we will have a social studies assignment due on 11/21.  All other assignments should be caught up!  We will be working on Summarizing Literary texts in our Ready-reading book.  We will also continue to talk about theme in poetry.
We have been working hard on Writing and students have rocked it! Way to go!
No new secret phrase this week.  Will  resume next week!

Math: We will continue with module 3, adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators.

Science:  We our continuing our discussion on planets and the Solar System!  We will also share out our science fair projects!

Wednesday- PE
Friday- Art

Tuesday- Art
Thursday- P.E.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Week of Nov. 4th- 8th

We hope everyone enjoyed the extra hour of rest this weekend!

One week until Science Fair Projects are due!  We cannot wait to see them all.

Students who signed up for flu shots will receive those on Wednesday.

Fifth grade is collecting Slim Jim's for the military!  Please consider donating!  We will be collecting until Friday, November 8th.

No new Morphs.  We will be on hold with our Morphs for a few weeks to resume 11/12 with a test on 11/21.
This week's focus will be on finding Theme in Poetry.  We will finish up our work jobs (SS and RRJ) from last week to be turned in on Friday 11/8. We will also have a Theme partner project due and a source book scavenger hunt.
We will continue to work on Writing with a focus on elaboration and concluding paragraphs this week.  Next week we will begin our first independent prompt.
No new secret phrase since I did not have anyone turn in last week's phrase.

Math:  We will begin adding and subtracting fractions!  This will be the start of module 3.

Science:  We started discussing the Milky Way galaxy on Friday.  We will continue discussing the solar system this week.  Don't forget about those science fair projects!!

Wednesday- Art
Thursday- Music
Friday- Media

Tuesday- P.E.

No School, Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day!