Sunday, November 17, 2019

Week of November 18th-22nd & Nov. 25th & 26th

Image result for field trip don't forgetProgress reports will be sent home on Monday.  Please sign and return.

SAC meeting at 5:30 in the Media Center on Tuesday.  Also, Math Night will take place on Tuesday beginning at 6!  Feel free to come to the SAC meeting to see what it is all about and then join us for Math night.

Holiday lunch for 1st, 3rd, & 5th grade students will take place on Thursday.  You needed to RSVP in order to attend.  We look forward to seeing some of you at lunch!

Friday- Field Trip-- Students who plan to attend will need to bring a bagged lunch.  Students also need to wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather.

There is no school on Wednesday, Nov. 27th- Friday, Nov. 29th.  We will see everyone back at school on Dec. 2nd.  We hope everyone has a restful, and enjoyable Thanksgiving.


Achieve level set test Tuesday!
Morphs test on Thursday! List #6
Social Studies is due on 11/21.  Writing is due on 11/20.  Intro, two bodies and a conclusion paragraph. Needs to be color coded also!  New prompt will begin Wednesday on WOW! Writing On Wednesdays!
We will be working on summarizing literary texts this week and next week!. (narratives)

We will be working on Writing the two days before Thanksgiving break as well as finishing up any I-Ready reading on Summarizing.

Math:  We are continuing to work through Module 3 which is working on fractions.  We will look at fractions in word problems this week.

Science:  We will look at Earth's place in space as well as moon phases.  We will read another Scholastic News Magazine the two days before Thanksgiving!

Image result for phases of the moon

Monday: Music
Monday 11/25: Art/PM
Tuesday 11/26- Music

Monday- Media
Wednesday- Art
Friday- PE
Monday 11/25: Music

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