Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week of December 16th-19th

This Thursday marks the end of Quarter 2! 😃We have made it!
The 5th grade Spelling Bee will take place on Tuesday, 12/17 at 9:00 in the cafe.
Representing Mrs. Puckett's class is Vincent, Adaiya, Jason and Emily!
Representing Mrs. Ray's class is Caleb, Leighton, Noah and Brady. Congrats to these students and best of luck!

Holiday Party is Thursday. Money is due by 12/16.  Cost is $6. Students can bring board games.
We have a music assembly in the morning as well! Fun for all!


ELA:  We will be continuing all work jobs from last week to be due on 12/19. This is the end of the quarter, therefore no late work accepted. If you know you are going to be out on the 19th, be sure to turn in all work ahead of time. ⏰

Social Studies flow map of events.
I-ready Independent practice pages 156-161.
Writing Prompt-Homework, opinion prompt.

No RAH over the break! Happy Holidays!

Secret Phrase will resume after the break!
Aliyah and Adaiya were BOTH winners of  Happiness this week!  Claim your prize on Monday! :)


We will test on Module 3 on Tuesday.  We will spend Monday reviewing.  A study guide will come home on Monday.  We will begin Module 4 when we return from break!  Module 4 is multiplication and division of fractions.

Science:  We will continue discussing weathering and erosion.  Students need to understand that weathering is the breaking, and erosion is the movement of the broken sediment.  We will complete a few different labs this week.  We will discuss renewable and non renewable resources when we return in January.

Ray Art-Thurs.

Puckett Art-Mon.

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