Sunday, September 27, 2020

Week of September 28th-October 2nd

 Wellness Wednesday will take place this Wednesday! :) 


ELA: Week #5 for Morphs with a test on Friday, 10/2! Add flash cards to your ring!

New RRJ this week to be due on October 9. Creative Arts Options are available this week! 🎨🎭
Social Studies ticket is due on Friday 10/2. Ready pages p60-65 Scientific Texts with new skill-- Cause and Effect due Friday. Reading focus this week is Historical Texts with a Lesson check on Friday for all informational texts and cause and effect.
Don't forget to memorize the Pirate Writing poem! Elle, Chloe B. and Kylee have all earned Pirate's Gold! Way to go ladies! See the previous Blog post for the poem! ARRRRRBC!✍

We had quite a few people turn in the secret phrase this week! I decided to draw two names, one from Mrs. Ray's homeroom and one from Mrs. Puckett's homeroom!💗
The winners of a trip to the Bin of Happiness are: Clark and Hayleigh!
See Mrs. Ray for your HAPPINESS!

This week's secret phrase is:

Write the secret phrase on a sticky note and give it to Mrs. Ray of 🌞!

Math:  We will move into Module 2 this week.  Module 2 covers multi-digit multiplication with whole numbers and decimals.  Module 2 also discusses multi-digit division with whole numbers and decimals.  This is a great time to be practicing multiplication and division facts!

Science: We are continuing our discussion on properties of matter and will discuss mixtures and solutions.  What causes mixtures to dissolve faster or slower?  temperature? surface area? stirring? etc...  We will have a chance to complete a couple labs this week. :) 



Thursday- Art


Tuesday- P.E.

Monday, September 21, 2020

School Advisory Council

Information about SAC:

The next meeting of the Bartram Springs Elementary School Advisory Council will occur on Tuesday, September 22 at 6:00 PM via Zoom (invitation below). Please forward this invitation to anyone who might be interested in joining us. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 791 7182 8673
Passcode: 1Dvn2G

At this time, I do not know whether future meetings will occur at the school or via Zoom. However, our monthly meetings will always occur on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM. Here are the dates for the remaining meetings:

October 20, 2020
November 17, 2020
December 15, 2020
January 12, 2021
February 9. 2021
March 16, 2021
April 20, 2021
May 18, 2021

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Week of September 21st-25th


 ELA:  Another successful week in ELA!  We will be on list #4 of our Morphs this week.  Flash cards need to be added to the ring before test on Friday 9/25.
RRJ #2 is due 9/25 with a chat.  New SS ticket is due 10/2 and is found in the SS work book.  We will pull them out of the work book.  We will be working on Scientific Texts this week and Historical Texts the following week with a Lesson Check on 10/2.  In writing we will work on attacking the prompt and Introductory paragraphs.
Remember, memorize and recite the Pirate Writing Poem for Pirate's Gold!

This week begins the SECRET PHRASE of the week!  I will type a secret phrase in the blog and students can write it down on a sticky note to be submitted for a chance to win a trip to the Bin of Happiness!!!!!  Don't decrease your odds of winning  by sharing the secret phrase! it is....
Just write this down on a sticky note and give to Mrs. Ray of  🌞 for the Friday Drawing and some Happiness! 💓💗💕💞

 Math:  We will wrap up module 1 and have a test on Wednesday.  Students will have a review sheet to study prior to taking the assignment.  Look for that on Tuesday.  We will move on to module 2 next week.

 Science: We will be moving on to the properties of matter this week. 

Monday- Art
Tuesday- P.E.
Thursday- Music

Tuesday- Art
Friday- Music

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Week of Sept. 14th-18th continued

Having some technical issues on the previous post where it won't let me edit or add anything! So I will be adding the math and science peice here. Math: We will work on dividing decimals this week! We have covered adding, subtracting, and multiplying already! Be sure to practice these strategies with them nightly. Just a reminder students will have a weekly daily math quiz every Friday! Science: We will be learning about scienctists tools this week. Scientists use a lot of tools every day and the students need to know what each one is used for and why. Students will also be completing resource baseline testing for PE, Music, and Art this week.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Week of September 14th-18th

 Virtual Open House will take place on Tuesday at 6:30.  This will be accessible through your child's Microsoft Teams page.

Picture Day on Thursday!  These pictures will be for the yearbook! Picture Day - Liberty Junior High School


ELA: Morphs list #3 this week with a test on 9/18. Make your flash cards to add to your ring!

Social Studies ticket is due on Friday! 9/18. New RRJ will be due on 9/25 with a chat.  

Pirate Writing: Memorize the Poem for Pirate Gold! We will be working on Informative Writing, attacking the prompt and introductory paragraphs. 

We will be wrapping up summarizing text and begin using details to support inferences with a quiz on Friday 9/18.



Sunday, September 6, 2020

Week of September 7th-11th

 No School on Monday in observance of Labor Day!  Enjoy the extra time off!

Image result for labor day



Read At Home Logs are due on Thursday!! 

 List 2 of Morphs this week with a test on Friday. 

We have an RRJ due on Friday. This will be completed in the RRJ journal following the rubric. Our reading topic this week will build on main idea and focus on summarizing.  The new SS ticket will be due on 9/18.

Math:  We will be working on adding and subtracting decimals, students will need to have a strong understanding of decimal place value to be successful at this.  

Image result for decimal plact value

Science:  We will be discussing different tools that scientists use.  We will also complete a couple labs this week so we can continue to remember the steps to the scientific method.

Image result for scientist tools