Sunday, September 6, 2020

Week of September 7th-11th

 No School on Monday in observance of Labor Day!  Enjoy the extra time off!

Image result for labor day



Read At Home Logs are due on Thursday!! 

 List 2 of Morphs this week with a test on Friday. 

We have an RRJ due on Friday. This will be completed in the RRJ journal following the rubric. Our reading topic this week will build on main idea and focus on summarizing.  The new SS ticket will be due on 9/18.

Math:  We will be working on adding and subtracting decimals, students will need to have a strong understanding of decimal place value to be successful at this.  

Image result for decimal plact value

Science:  We will be discussing different tools that scientists use.  We will also complete a couple labs this week so we can continue to remember the steps to the scientific method.

Image result for scientist tools

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