Friday, May 7, 2021

May 10th-14th

 We will finish up FSA testing this week with Science testing on Wednesday and Thursday.

Students will be rewarded with popcorn, soda, and a movie on Friday to celebrate the end of state testing. 

Don't forget to return the promotional ceremony RSVP, and end of year party money!  Cost is $6.

If you have not submitted pictures of your child to Mrs. Puckett yet--please do so ASAP!


ELA: We will be finishing up our Travel Brochures this week and sign up for the optional presentations next week. We have several projects to complete with Esperanza Rising, our current book study.  We will also begin some Narrative writing this week.


Math:  We are continuing to get the kids ready for middle school by reviewing difficult concepts and introducing algebra topics!  These kids will be ready for middle school!

Science:  We will have a mini "science camp" this week to continue to review for testing and then will begin our health curriculum.  We will learn about the various food groups and nutrition.  Students will be given a project to create a restaurant menu.




Monday- Music/ P.E.

Friday- P.E.


Monday- Art

Tuesday- Music

Thursday- P.E.

Friday- Art

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