Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week of September 26th-30th

Early Release on Wednesday!  

Our Eagle of the Month celebration will take place on Thursday!  Congratulations again to Bella & Gael!   Thank you for always showing self-control.

The Book Fair will be taking place all week!  Students can bring in money daily to go shopping!

Be sure to sign and return all permission slips for the Marine Science Center!



We have begun our novel, Esperanza Rising and so far we LOVE IT!  We will continue with our novel study!

Vocabulary for this week will be commonly misspelled Homonyms. Test Friday!

We will be working on a new writing prompt this week. 

We will also have a social studies ticket and an RRJ.  

Bin of Happiness winners were Peyton and Mallory! Great job keeping up with the blog!  I had lots of entries this week.
New Phrase is:

Christian earned a Polite Pig this week for his fabulous Politeness!

Are you keeping up with your Achieve Lessons and earning all of the fantastic rewards for lessons 75% and higher? Isabella sure is!
Check out all the stuff she's earned already! This girl loves to "Achieve"!

Math: We will work on multiplication this week using the area model & the standard algorithm.

Science: We will have 2 days in the science lab this week to focus on labs dealing with chemical changes.  We will also wrap up Chapter 5 in our science workbooks.  This chapter covered states of matter, and chemical and physical changes.  Students can plan to have a test on Friday.

Monday- Music
Thursday- P.E.
Friday- Art

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Spirit Night at PDQ

Bartram Springs Spirit Night will take place at PDQ on Thursday, September 22nd!  We hope you will go out and support BSE and enjoy some chicken! :)

Monday, September 19, 2016

STEM Activity: Tower Power

Today we went to the science lab to investigate the following scenario:

You're hired! The STEM Engineering company has hired you and your team to build the tallest free-standing tower.  You have 15 pipe-cleaners to use as inventory.  However, you are under a time crunch!  You have 10 minutes to build your tower.  The tower must stand on its own.  No team members are allowed to hold the tower up or lean the tower against a wall or any other object!  Good luck!

Ms. Tiberio's Homerooms tallest tower was 21 inches!
Mrs. Ray's Homerooms tallest tower was 24 inches!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week of September 19th-23rd

Progress Reports will be sent home on Monday!  Please sign and return.  Reminder we are available for conferences in the mornings from 7:55-8:25 with the exception of Wednesday mornings.

Girls on the Run will begin this week for any girls participating!  We will meet in Ms. Simpson's room on the Red Hallway at 3:15 so all patrols can finish post and have time to get changed.

Join the PTA on Wednesday evening for an open PTA meeting, where a special guest our regional superintendent, Kim Bayes will speak briefly.  The meeting will take place at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria.

Fall pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 22nd!  Bring your smile! :) 

Volunteer Opportunity:

It is Book Fair time at Bartram Springs Elementary!  The students and teachers at Bartram Springs love coming to the book fair.  

Volunteers are needed to help the students (especially Kindergarten and 1st grade) make out their wish lists, select books, and just help the students that come.

The book fair is from September 26 to September 30. The family night at the book fair is Thursday, September, 29 from 5 to 7.

Please see the link to the sign up for times and dates available.

Our first field trip will be on October 7th or 8th!  We will go to the Marine Science Center near Mayport.  This is a required field trip for all 5th grade students in Duval County, it is also a FREE field trip!  More information to follow...



Image result for esperanza risingThis week we will begin our novel study of Esperanza Rising which goes right along with our Human Rights Study. It is a wonderful book!
We only have class sets of the book so you may want to purchase one for your child to read at home as well. Scholastic has copies for $2.00!  You can also find them at Amazon. 

We will not have a new Social Studies ticket this week but we will have another RRJ, an Achieve and a Vocabulary.  Here are the words to be tested on Friday! Grades were much better on this week's test. 

Bin of Happiness Winners were Ai and Cayla! This week's secret phrase is below:
Polite Pig Earners this week were: Alexandra, Alejandra, Aaron, Raina, Ai, and Brooke.  Keep up the Politeness! 

Math: Our module 1 assessment will take place on Tuesday of this week!  We have spent time reviewing and I feel the students are ready to complete this assessment.  We will begin Module 2 which covers multiplication and dealing with the order of operations.

Image result for order of operations

Science: We will continue to discuss changes in matter.  We will complete a lab on Monday in the science lab dealing with physical and chemical change we will discuss the differences.  


Monday- Music
Wednesday- P.E. (wear tennis shoes)
Thursday- Art

That's a wrap on the superhero PTA membership contest!  Thank you to all the families who joined the PTA!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hurricane Make-up Day Announced

This day was originally scheduled as a teacher planning day.  Students will now come to school on this date.

Mix it up! Science Lab Day

Today we completed a lab that dealt with separating mixtures.  Students had to separate a mixture of beans, iron filings, sand and salt.  Ask your child about how these mixtures were separated and what tools they used to separate them.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Week of September 12th-16th

Thank you to all the families who came to Open House last week!  We had a great turn out and hope you learned some valuable information for this upcoming year!  

Congratulations to Bella & Gael for being named September's Eagle of the Month for always choosing to show Self Control! :)

Early Release on Wednesday! Dismissal at 1:40 PM.

Ms. Tiberio's homeroom will have Media on Monday.  Mrs. Ray's homeroom will have Media on Tuesday.  Please return all library books so you are able to check out new books.


We will resume vocabulary! If you earned a failing mark on last week's test you can do an extra credit pre/post review test for 10 points toward that test grade.  Turn it in to the "in-box" by Friday.
New words:
Test on Friday!
We will have an RRJ due on Friday along with student chat groups.
We will continue our Writing Instruction from last week.
There will also be a social studies ticket to turn in on Friday.

We will also have an END of the UNIT reading test.  It will require reading and annotating an article and answering a variety of questions.  We will practice annotating for purpose more this week.
Busy Week! :)

The Bin Of Happiness Winners for the week were:
Isabella Dhanpaul and Brooke Robinson.

The new secret phrase is:

"Remember the ArBC's of Writing!

We will wrap up Module 1 in math by dividing decimals with remainders.  We will spend some time reviewing before taking the End of Module Assessment.  This will be taken on the computer to familiarize the students will the tools they will use during the FSA assessment at the end of the year.  Date for the computer test is TBD.  

Science:  We will continue discussing states of matter and what the difference between a mixtures and solution is.  We will go to the science lab on Wednesday to complete a lab about mixtures! Pictures to follow!

Monday- Media (Tiberio)
Tuesday- P.E. (wear tennis shoes)/ Media (Ray)
Wednesday- Art/ Early Dismissal
Thursday- Art
Friday- Recess

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Science Lab Fun!

Our first trip to the science lab was a success!  We explored with different tools scientists use! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

States of Matter Project

Students used Cheerios to show the different shapes that our states of matter form.

Image result for states of matter