Sunday, September 4, 2016

Week of September 5th-9th

We hope everyone enjoyed the long Labor Day weekend!

We look forward to seeing everyone Thursday night at 6:00 PM for Open House.  There will be two sessions from 6-6:45 and 6:45-7:30 for those of you who have multiple children with Open House the same evening.  We will meet in Ms. Tiberio's homeroom for the presentation (Room 121-Green Hall)

The first SAC (School Advisory Council) meeting will be held on Tuesday night at 6:00 PM in the Media Center.  All are welcome!  

Please continue to join the PTA!  The first 3 classes with 100% participation win an awesome prize from the PTA!  Currently, our homerooms are in the lead for 5th grade! 


ELA:  Another busy week in ELA!  Students are getting used to the rituals and routines and are producing some Top Quality work already! Ask your child to explain "Top Quality" to you and how we reward it!  We will not have vocabulary this week due to the short week. We will have an RRJ which will be due next Friday (9/16).  Students will complete a social studies ticket to be turned in this Friday (9/9).  We will also begin our formal writing instruction to prepare students for the big FSA writing test in February.  

Now that we have finished Achieve and I-Ready testing students should be completing two lessons per week minimum.  Lessons completed at home can be counted on the RAH for two entries and go toward our classroom rewards!

Bin of Happiness winners for the secret phrase this week were Emily and Peyton R.  Keep checking the blog for your chance to win!  This week's secret phrase is "We've got the Write Stuff!" Write it on a sticky note and turn in to Mrs. Ray.

The first "Polite Pig" award went out this week to Diya!  Thank you  for your wonderful manners, kind heart and great attitude! 

Math:  Don't forget to complete i-Ready lessons at home so you are able to win the 1st quarter reward of Movie, PJ's, and Popcorn!

This week we will work on multiplying and dividing decimals.  We will work on lessons 12 and 13 this week in our Duval Math workbooks.

 Image result for multiplying and dividing decimalsImage result for multiplying and dividing decimals

Science:  We will begin working on Matter!  We will get to go to the science lab this week to complete an exploration on science tools.  We hope to be able to complete an investigation on which paper towel is the strongest?  Bounty, Brawny, or Duval County paper towels! :)

Monday- No School
Tuesday- PE (wear tennis shoes)
Wednesday- Art
Friday- Music

Our classes will have Media next week, so be sure to return any library books!

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