Sunday, May 7, 2017

Week of May 8th-12th

Students will be completing end of course exams for Music, Art, and P.E. this week.

Moms we hope to see you on Thursday for Muffins with Mom at 8am in the cafeteria!

Students will take the i-Ready test on Monday and Tuesday for Math.  It is important students do well on these exams as they will help with their placement in middle school.

Please bring in any extra coins you have laying around the house to support Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Pennies for Patients.  The money raised is used to help find cures and ensure access to treatments for blood cancer patients.  We will attend an assembly on Monday!

Field Trip forms were sent home last week!  Money is due ASAP!!!  We will not accept money after Tuesday, May 9th!

NEHS is selling bookmarks and friendship bracelets to purchase a Buddy Bench for the playground!
Please be a friend and support our efforts!


Back to Normal Week!  Yay!!!
Achieve Level Set on Tuesday. :)
New Vocabulary!  Test on Friday!

We will have a social studies ticket and an RRJ due next week on May19th.
Scavenger Hunts are due this week.
We will begin a Poetry Study!

Math:  We will continue to review areas of weaknesses from this year per individual students, as well as begin preparing students for 6th grade math concepts.

Science/ Health:  We will be discussing many health topics over the next couple of weeks.  We will look at nutritional information and first aid safety!

Resources:  Due to testing we will make sure students get out for recess daily.
Monday- Music assessment
Tuesday- Art assessment
Wednesday- P.E. assessment

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