Sunday, April 30, 2017

Week of May 1st-5th


This week we will enjoy a day full of science activities and labs!  This will be a nice way to review and prepare for the science assessment students will take on Tuesday and Wednesday!  A big thank you to Mrs. Ray for helping to teach science the last couple of weeks.  The students have really enjoyed it!

Progress reports will be sent home on Wednesday.  Please sign and return.

We will have our FSA incentive popcorn party on Friday, May 5th!  Thank you to all the families who sent in boxtops, that is how we are purchasing the supplies for this event!  Students who showed good testing strategies will earn this reward.

ELA: We will be working on Science Monday! Science Camp!!  After testing is complete we will begin literature circles and resume with our normal work jobs.  We will have a social studies assignment as well as an RRJ.  Vocabulary will resume next week!

Math: We are beginning to look at some 6th grade material.  We will discuss ratios, and rates this week.

Science:  Science activities will take place all day Monday!  Students will test on Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will then move on to our health curriculum for the remainder of the year.  We will begin by discussing being a healthy and wise consumer.  We will talk about healthy skin, hair, teeth, etc...

Monday- Ray (Media)
Tuesday- P.E.
Thursday- Art
Friday- FSA Incentive Party 1:40 PM

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