Sunday, August 20, 2017

Week of August 21st-25th

We had a very busy first week but we are loving these kids!!  We are definitely going to have a great year!

Baseline testing will continue for i-Ready math this week.  Students have completed Achieve and the science baseline already.

Please be sure to sign and return conduct reports by Wednesday of each week.
Please sign and return the pink Student Code of Conduct to be sent home 8/21/17.

ELA: This week we will continue to put rituals and routines into place.  Our first RRJ entry (Reader's Response Journal)  is due on Friday, August 24th. These count as test grades. We will be meeting in CHAT groups this week to become familiar with this practice.  We will  take the Writing Baseline Assessment on Tuesday, August 22.
Our first Read At Home log was given out on Thursday and will be due this Thursday, August 25.
We will begin our study of Human Rights this week with a focus on the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Document. Our skills focus is close reading!
ELA academic requirements will be sent home this week.
Image result for reading is fun clip art REMEMBER TO HAVE A CHAPTER WITH YOU BOOK EVERY DAY!!!

Math:  We will continue with a review of place value and how it relates to decimal placement and multiplying or dividing by a power of ten.  Students will have homework this week.

Science: We will discuss the practices of science.  We will complete a testable questions activity and complete a penny investigation lab this week.

Monday: Media
Tuesday: Music
Thursday: Art
Monday: P.E.
Wednesday: Art
Friday: Music

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