Sunday, August 27, 2017

Week of August 28th-September 1st

Our first early release of the school year will take place on Wednesday.  Dismissal begins at 1:40.

There will be no school on Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day!  Enjoy the long weekend.

Ms. Tiberio is encouraging all students to participate in Sunshine Math!  It is a great critical thinking tool and review sessions will be held every Friday morning from 8-8:20 in my classroom!


Students have successfully completed their first RRJs and have had Chats with me.  They also completed the Writing Baseline as well as Achieve 3000 Level Set with data chats.
Students will share  lexiles with parents! (share note will be sent home for extra credit points.)
We will begin a study of MORPHS-word parts that change the way we look at unknown or longer words. They include prefixes, suffixes, and root word parts. By knowing Latin and Greek root words and affixes, we can better understand what some words mean.
We will be studying 10 morphs per week with this week starting with list #1 only.  
Students will do tasks in class to study and practice using the morphs and will be tested on Friday.

Work Jobs for this week include:
 RRJ's due on September 8th with a Chat.
Social Studies ticket due on September 8th.
RAHs collected and passed out every Thursday. 

Our study of Human Rights will continue with some conversation and activities related to the American Revolution.

Image result for reading is fun clip art
Congratulations to our first Polite Pig Earner: Rasaam!  Manners is his middle name! Way to go Rasaam!
Image result for pig clip art

Module 1 Lesson 6: Compare decimal fractions to the thousandths place
Module 1 Lesson 7: Rounding Decimals
Module 1 Lesson 8: Rounding Decimals
Module 1 Lesson 9 & 10: Add & Subtract Decimals

If your child needs additional support for these math lessons you can find youtube videos that explain the lessons by searching: Duane Habecker Engage NY Module 1 Lesson 6 Grade 5 and you will be able to watch instructional tutorials for every lesson!  It also helps to teach the parent!  😄

Students will have a mid module assessment on Thursday.  This will cover Lessons 1-8 in their math workbooks.  Students can expect to have math homework this week.  I encourage the use of i-Ready at home as well.  Students are working to earn prizes and quarterly i-Ready/Achieve celebrations!

Science:  Students will have their first science assessment on Friday.  This will cover the differences between observations, inferences, experiments and scientific investigations.  The test will cover testable questions, why it is important to do repeated trials, and students will have to determine what the control group is in an experiment.  We will spend time reviewing this week.

Resources:  Students will complete Art, Music and P.E. baselines this week.
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Art/ Early Release
Thursday- P.E.
Friday: Art

Monday- Music
Tuesday- P.E.
Wednesday- Early Release
Thursday- Art/ Computer Cart

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