Sunday, September 10, 2017

Week of September 18th-22nd

Open House for 1st, 3rd, & 5th grade will take place this week at 6:00 PM on Thursday.  There will be a short presentation in the cafeteria and then parents will be invited back to listen to a presentation from us!

We will meet in the Media Center as a whole group.  We hope all will attend!

Picture Day on Thursday!!!

All previously due assignments will  be collected this week from all classes for any students who were absent before the storm.

New Work Jobs for the week!
RRJ due 9/29
Social Studies ticket due 9/29
RAHs will be collected from the days off and a new one will be issued on Thursday.

Due to the missed days, we will continue with  MORPHS  list #2. Test on Friday will include morphs from lists #1 and #2.

We will continue our study of Human Rights using primary and secondary sources.  We will also begin a new writing prompt with our Pirate Writing! Arrrgghhh!

This week will be a transition week for Mrs. Groeteke's homeroom as we learn the rituals and routines for my ELA class and set up notebooks.

Mrs. Ray's Secret Phrase is:
Image result for i love reading clip art
Write it on a sticky note and turn in to Mrs. Ray for a chance to win a trip to the Bin of Happiness!!!

Bin of Happiness Winners from the last secret phrase are Michael and Abigail.  Congratulations!

Math: Students will complete the end of module 1 assessment on Wednesday!  This will take place on the computer.  We will then move on to Module 2 which will cover multiplication and division, we will also look at the order of operations this week.
Image result for order of operations

Science: We will discuss the differences between scientific investigations and experiments, this will be a helpful discussion for science fair project topic ideas!  We will complete an aligned investigation that reminds students why it is important to complete repeated trials.

Monday: Music
Tuesday: Media
Wednesday: Art
Tuesday: Art & P.E.
Thursday: Music

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