Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week of September 25th-29th

Thank you to all the families who came out to Open House last Thursday!  It was so nice to see so many of you.  We have e-mailed out the PowerPoint from Open House.  If you were unable to attend, please let us know if you have any questions.

Girl Scout Parent Night will take place on Monday, Sept. 25th

Progress reports will go home on Tuesday, September 26th.

Early Release will take place on Wednesday!


We will continue our Morph study with list #3! Test on Friday! Test will include Morphs from previous lists!

Social Studies ticket and RRJ are both due Friday, 9/29.
We will continue our study of the UDHR and prepare for our upcoming novel study
Esperanza Rising!
We will also continue our Pirate Writing! Don't forget to memorize the
Pirate Rap for a chance to earn pirate booty!

Our bin of happiness winners for last week are:  Brianna, Caitlyn, and Thomas! Congratulations!
The new secret phrase is:
Image result for it's a pirate's life for me clip art


Science:  We will be moving on to Properties of Matter and looking at mixtures.  Students will have science homework this week.  We will complete an investigation this week looking at the different states of matter.  Students will have a test on Friday--this will cover practice of science, and matter.
Image result for properties of matter

Mrs. Groeteke's class during the Chemical Change in a Bag lab:

Monday: Music
Wednesday: P.E.
Thursday: Art
Friday: P.E.

Monday: P.E.
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Music
Friday: Music

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