Sunday, August 19, 2018

Week of August 20th-24th

See the source image   
The first week was a success!!!

Students will test for their placement in i-Ready Math and Reading this week.

We should have received all back to school paperwork by now!


ELA:  We have had a busy first week and everyone did great!  Achieve testing was completed and ritual and routines have been put into place.  We will start our work jobs this week!  We will have a spelling test on Thursday of commonly misspelled words. Our first RRJ will be due August 31 as will our first Social Studies Ticket.  On Friday we will begin I-ready testing and complete it next Monday.

Commonly Misspelled Words:
     again,  always, another, because, believe, different, definitely, favorite, finally, friend, people, piece, probably, question, really, receive, said
See the source image

Monday- Module 1 Lesson 3
Tuesday- Module 1 Lesson 4
Wednesday & Thursday- i-Ready testing on the computer
Friday- Module 1 Lesson 5
**Videos below to help assist with homework!

We will discuss scientist tools this week and complete 2 labs!

See the source image

Tues.   Music am
Wed.   Art pm
Fri.      Music am

Tues.    PE am and Art pm
Fri.       PE am and Music pm

Math Videos:

Module 1 Lesson 3:

Module 1 Lesson 4:

Module 1 Lesson 5:

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